Mr. Plant

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Mr. Plant was watching Television in his livingroom. He hadn't had any plans that day, though he was waiting for his cousin, Mr. Flower to send a letter back to him. He sat in his void, not having anything to do that day. He went to go tally another line on his wall. He had been here a while. Though, he did not care for people much, he cared for Argos more than he cared for others. He wondered why he hadn't gotten a call, nor a letter from his cousin, Mr. Flower. He knew Argos was mail carrier, and Argos had said his route for that month. He went into Mr Flowers void, so why didn't he have his letter? He didn't want to blame anything on Argos, but Mr. Plant was quite confused. Soon, Mr. Plant got bored, and went to bed.

Mr. Plant x ArgosWhere stories live. Discover now