Chapter 6: Perfect timing

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I walked into the office then I felt so weird like why is anyone looking at me so strange.

I just went straight to the conference room. When I open the door all eyes on me .So I can't handle it na , i asked them .

" Whats wrong with you guys ?hey why you looks so strange at me? I asked them because I'm so confused.

But why p' net looks at me so serious did I do wrong? I don't know even. Then p' aof went in

"Oh your here na James! did you know that you went viral this morning on social media?"p'aof said in a serious tone

"Huh? Viral for what?" I ask and I'm so tense because I felt weird because P'net eyes on me like he wants to swallow me.

"James don't be so tense, actually I understand you.Then guest what ,you received a lot of positive feedback and comments from netizens "p'aof said

"P' I don't know what are you trying to say "

" Hey James relax , someone posted your pictures with a guy while both of you were hugging and kissing at the bay area" p 'ker explain

I widen my eyes and my ears turn red . Whose that people? Why did he/she captured us? Is this bad to my career? I don't know if I can't open my mouth to explain.

"It's ok James we understand you but please next time do it on private place . You have to take care of your career. I don't have any objection about that or I don't have any problem with that as long as it makes you happy." I'm happy to what p'aof advise. I smiled at him the suddenly

"But that's not appropriate!! How could you do that ? Huh!!! Let me tell you this James ,we need to do what our fans demand so don't flirt again with that guy" we all shock on what P'net told

" Hey bro,let him be ! Why you blocking him he is not even your boyfriend"p' max burst his lough

"Yeah bro, why is he not allowed? why you even have your own partner?well just support him like what he did to support you "p'zee

" What will our fans says about this?"Net continued questioning me

I don't dare to talk because I'm so embarrassed and afraid on the way net looking at me.

" Don't worry net,as for your fans they are happy for Nong to have a romantic relationship,like what they accept your relationship with your partner." P'ker explain

"How did you know that he's not playing with you James? Or is he want to used you?" Net in aggressive

"Hey!!! Shot your mouth " Yim scolded net

" I'm just concerned about Nong "net added

"We get it that you are just concerned but can you please calm down net. Don't worry about that because that guy was kind and he is P'James first crush and his classmates during elementary to secondary days. Well if aunty gives him permission that time,they will be officially boyfriends" Yim talks a lot so I pinch him.

"Hey you talking a lot" I whisper to Yim

Net didn't dare to talk after hearing that.

"That's what we called destiny " nunew talks so sweet

" Yeah after a long years of longing to each other you both met and I hope this time you continue your Love story " nat teasing me

When I glance at my p' I felt like he is not comfortable so I spoke

" Guys stop teasing me na "

I don't want to tell them that me and Louis had no relation between us, with this days . I don't want to tell them because what if they judge me that why I am kissing a guy that I don't have any official relationship with.

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