Gon left immediately after their seemingly serious conversation and Gin was left with a frown on her face and a troubled mind. Her attention shifted from the vast sea to the captain's quarters, feeling an intimidating power from the certain room that seemed to pull and is luring her to enter. Noticing that every person on the ship was occupied by their assigned task and own works, her mind is determined and so her feet started moving taking her inside the room without anyone's attention. However, she has failed to notice the staring eyes on her direction smirking, watching her every move.

"Sneaky little princess"


Kurapika was troubled by what happened beforehand and absentmindedly stood on the other side of the deck. The lady up the controls noticed the lonely prince looking bothered. She looked at Kite on her side and told him to take the wheel as he left him to steer the ship and headed to the lonesome prince and stood beside him.

"Are you alright your highness? Are you not eager to get home?" The lady asks.

"Yes, I'm alright. I'm just thinking about something." Replied the prince.

"I hope it isn't about you thinking that I'm a brute and a dangerous person." Tsuki grinned looking at the prince.

Kurapika chuckled and answered. "No" Then he stopped and frowned and his eyebrows furrowed remembering the vision that the crystal ball showed him. "No" He hesitantly said.

The two stood silently beside each other, a comfortable silence lingered among the ship. Just hearing the splashing of the waves, and the sound from the winds.

"Tsuki" The lady broke the lingering silence. The prince look at the captain beside him. "Call me Tsuki" She said before leaving and headed to the steering wheel.


Hours went by, the pirate ship continued to sail in the vast sea. Gin stared at the horizon thoughts of the future that she had seen swirls in her head. She had already gone to the captain's room and now had seen a glimpse of the future she had asked to the crystal ball. Worried, confused, determined and scared, these are the thoughts that Gin felt.

Suddenly, she felt a presence beside her, she abruptly faced the person but was surprised to see the captain herself. Tsuki smiled fiddling a gem in her hand, facing the princess while leaning on the wooden rails of the deck. "Are you alright Gin-sama? You seem to be troubled by something."

Gin tried processing the captain's words, debating if she should be honest to the lady or not. "W-well, I'm fine. But there is something I want to discuss with you Tsuki-san. I would like to apologize for-"

"For coming into my room and touching the magic crystal ball? It's alright, I can say that you're quite curious about a certain future and decided to see it for yourself just like your cousin." Tsuki cut her off with a small smile followed by a soft giggle.

"It was a mistake, I should've asked permission before entering your quarter. I-It's just that I really needed an answer to the questions in my mind." Gin reasoned out clearly regretting what she had done but she doesn't want to tell the lady in front of her the immense power she felt coming from the room.

"I understand what you feel princess, it's not easy to escape our curiosities. The crystal ball is a way to take a glimpse of the future and it has become a weapon to people, they use it to cheat their future. But the future also has its way around, the more you cheat, the more dangerous your future will be." Tsuki paused looking intently to the girl in front of her and sighed. "Whatever you saw in the crystal ball should only be kept to yourself. You shouldn't tell the others about this or there would be a couple of consequences". The captain then stood straight ready to leave.

Our Love's Never-Ending Journey ~A Hunter x Hunter Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now