Mathi had always got into fight with Manickam for interfering in Singaram's business. Kanmani and Veera were big fan of Manickam who also taught them about standing against injustice. He never failed to teach them to be brave and face anything if they had to fight for justice.

They never knew that his nature to fight for people would land their family in a grief forever on the fateful day.

Veera and Arul were visiting their friends in the nearby village to play cricket. Ranga was busy training the students. Kanmani was closeby to reach Veera's home but frowned to see Singaram and his men leaving from the gate. She quickly rushed to his home and opened to door only to plop on the floor looking at Manickam who was gasping for air.

Kanmani: Mama, enna achu ? Athai ..( Uncle, what happened ? Aunty ..)

She was about to get up but Manickam held her hands pulling her closer.

Manickam: Promise me you will not Veera alone. You both should stand for each other. My blessings will always be there for you both. Mathi promise me that you will let Veera to fight for this people's justice. People like Singaram should be punished and you will not stop Veera like you tried me. My death should not stop my son from doing any good for the people.

Kanmani: I promise you but let us take you to the hospital. Please uncle. 

Manickam: Mathi, promise me. This is my last wish.

Manickam showed his palm and Mathi placed her palm over his which made him smile and with that he breathed his last. Kanmani and Mathi were frozen to see him not reacting. Kanmani could not accept that her uncle was no more. 

Kanmani broke into tears and Mathi rushed to the door shutting it and sat next to Kanmani holding her to her chest.

Kanmani: Enna nadandhuchu athai ?  Singaram enna pannaru ? ( What happened aunty ? What did Singaram do ? )

Mathi: I will tell you but promise me that you will not tell anyone about what happened now until I tell everyone on my own. Veera will be devastated and he will need time to know everything and I will tell him at the right time. Promise me on your uncle that you will not reveal this to anyone.

Kanmani promised her not knowing what was running on her aunt's mind as she couldn't see Mathi crying holding her dead husband's hand.

Mathi: Your uncle had heart attack. This is what we will tell everyone. You get me ?

Kanmani: but

Mathi: You promised me and will not tell anyone. Singaram, that bastard killed your uncle infront of my eyes.

Kanmani: We should inform the police aunty. 

Mathi: go ahead and reveal it to everyone but don't forget the promise you made on your uncle. Also be ready to see Veera breaking down completely unable to handle the news of his father's murder. Finally you will see me die if you disclose this to anyone breaking your promise. I don't want to leave my son an orphan.

Kanmani sobbed and took Mathi's mobile and called her father informing him about Manickam. She then called Veera whose call went unanswered. She tried both Arul and Veera who were playing cricket and failed to answer the call.

Soon the crowd gathered and Kanmani was shattered and felt like a fool for making a promise to her aunt who was now crying over her husband. Veera and Arul returned home and was shocked to see the crowd before the home. Kanmani who was holding on the cries burst out seeing Veera who plopped on the floor and screamed looking at his dead father. Next day Manickam's funeral was done and Veera shut himself refusing to meet anyone. Everyone was consoling Mathi but Kanmani didn't care for her and her eyes were only on the door waiting for Veera to let her in.

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