chapter twenty six

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It was the girl who spilled coffee on me a long time ago aka sarahs friend l think. She smiled. "Thank you so much for taking care of him." My mom said handing her some cash. "Your welcome ma'am call me anytime you need me!" She said with a happy tone my mom nodded and she soon left l rushed to max's side and petted him. He seemed very excited and he licked my face making me smile. My mom and dad went upstairs to do whatever. "I missed you boy!" I hug him softly and he licked me in return. I soon got up and got him a small treat and he devoured it in seconds. I went upstairs and he followed he seemed very active today as he was running around everywhere but l didnt mind. I got out my textbook and started to study for my next exam l was lucky that today was sunday.

After a lengthy two hours of silence and studying l got off of my bed to see max running up to me with his leash, l wondered how he got it. He twirled around and placed the leash down his tail wagging l guess he wanted me to take him on a walk. So l took the leash and l put it around his head making sure it wasnt too tight. "Come on lets go boy." He followed me and we headed for the front door l didnt bother to tell my parents because l wouldn't be out for long. I walked towards the forest and max started to go wild spinning around in endless circles until l stopped him by petting him. "Hey boy what's wrong?" He calmed down and leaned into my touch l soon stopped petting him and he shook his body his bright blonde fur going everywhere. "I think its time you get groomed soon." We continued to walk and he was acting weird sniffing the place walking slow causing me to sometimes pull his leash. I sighed and grunted a bit as l was getting fustrated with him. "Max bad boy! Come!" I shouted but he just perked up his ears and tilted his head to the side l sighed once again and petted him hoping it would get him walking again as l was doing that l felt a presence behind me it was a little...too warm l turned around slowly to see a tall man wearing black to blend into the forest and he did quite well. His face was covered with a mask but l could see his eyes they were a dark blue and around those eyes he had quite bushy eyebrows and a pale skin tone he reminded me of someone. He looked at me not saying a word like he was analyzing me until he spoke up. "Hello." I was very confused why did he come up to me. "Hello?" I said backing away as he was way too close. Max was by my side ready to defend me as he growled at the man as a warning. "You have a cute dog." He said his voice was soft he had a British accent. "Uhm thanks can l help you?" I asked curious about the man's intentions. He looked up and down at me then looked back into my eyes. "Well l just saw you here and l was just thinking to myself that people like you shouldn't be here.." The man took out a packet of cigs. "You know people die here." I was confused l didnt see any dead bodies yet. "Uhm thanks for the concern but l will be alright." I gave the man a smile before turning back but he said something under his breath. "I know you." I turn around. "What did you just say?" I asked for clarity. "I know you...your...mason's best friend.." I was shocked how did he know that. "Your from the Adolf family.." l started to get scared only people that were very close to me knew that. "Uhm l have to go.." I turned around and started walking away checking behind me occasionally making sure the strange man was not following me. I soon made it back home once l knew no on was following me l got into the house and l caught my breath l was on edge but l just calmed down and unleashed max l had so many questions running through my head was that guy linked with mason in some way a family member a friend? I didnt know l just went upstairs and laid down on my bed as max joined me.

The next day was a cold day the clouds were heavy warning that rain would fall but l ignored it and made my breakfast. After eating breakfast l got into the hot shower and washed myself then l got out and wore a nice pink hoodie and white pants. Yesterday still lingered on my mind but l didnt have time to think about that especially when l wanted to meet mason early so l got my backpack and l walked out to school because l wanted to be out in the nature and my mom and dad were already out at work.

I soon made it to school entering the doors relived as it had a warm welcome. I went to my locker and exchanged some books the next test was english which wasnt bad l just had to summarise a book that my teacher read to me one thousand times so l was set for life as the words stuck to my brain. After exchanging my books l continued to walk and l soon spotted mason by a group of friends l was a bit nervous to approach them as l didnt want to disturb them but l decided to head up to them and they all looked at me. I gulped as l tried to find my words. "Hello.." I said awkwardly. "Hey stella." Mason said with a smile. The two guys next to him just stared deep into my soul. "Who is this Mason?" One of his friends asked he had brown short curly hair and he was wearing all black. His skin tone was a light brown colour and his eyes were hazel Brown. "This is my friend stella." He said holding me close to him. "Seems like more than just a friend." The other guy with blonde hair said mason rolled his eyes. "Well she is...what can l help you with?" He asked looking at me smilling. "Can to you for a minute..?" l said still a bit nervous. "Sure lead the way." I nodded and went on and we soon ended up in the janitors closet just to make sure we had privacy. "What is it?" He asked curiously. "So uhm yesterday l met this guy in the forest-"
He cut my sentence short.
"Wait what were you doing in the forest?"

"I was walking my dog, anyways as l was walking through the forest l saw this weird guy and he said something of the lines that he knows that true?"

"Hmm tell me how he looks." I sighed trying to envision his face in my mind before speaking up. "He had dark blue eyes bushy eyes brows and his skin tone was white." He paused in his tracks thinking about something before looking at me again. "Uhh honestly l...l..dont know.." He said awkwardly he looked like he was hiding something away from me. "Are you sure?" I asked he slowly nodded. "Yeah anyways l got to go." Before l could say a word he got away l sighed and got out of the closet. I headed to my class And paid attention to the teachers writing down notes l wanted this whole test thing to be over and done with already.

After school l got to my locker and someone tapped on my shoulder confused l turned around and looked at the culprit and it was riley and Shalom. "Hey girl its been a while." I smiled and nodded. "It sure has how are you guys?" I asked curiously. "We are alright anyways l was wondering if maybe you could come over to a sleepover we are having!" Shalom said ecstatic l nodded. "Sure l would love that when is it?"

"This Friday!" Even though it was quite far l was still very excited for this sleepover. "Alright then Friday it is but l better go before it rains l didnt bring an umbrella." They both nodded and said their goodbye's so did l before getting out of school and starting to walk back home but as l was doing that it started to heavily rain out of nowhere and the raindrops were cold l started to shiver trying to make it back home quickly but l could barely see anything as l was walking a car stopped by me. "Get in!" I heard someone shout it was mason! I quickly headed to the car and got in soaking and shivering violently. "Oh my word why didnt you bring an umbrella?" He asked looking at me. "Just drive im freaking...freezing.." he nodded and drove back to his place. We soon made it there l was glad he got an umbrella before going out and opening the other side of the car to let me out l thanked him and got out and closed the door still freezing and the weather wasnt helping me in any way. He quickly unlocked the front door and l got inside before he did and closed the door and headed upstairs quickly. I started to hyperventilate still shaking and he soon came downstairs and handed me some clothes but my hands were too shaky he sighed. "I have to do this." He started to take off my clothes and he put his clothes on me and pulled me towards a heater. "There." I started to calm down as the heat got on me...

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