That Ol' Black Magic!

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Of course, this Normal Trip across America had become A Whole Crap show once again as Some Warlock guy you knew wanted to Sacrafice everyone in A Convention for Sumo Slammers for A Spell for Great Power, and as you were dealing with him, Gwen was dealing with his Niece.

Charmcaster: Oh Come on Gwendelyn, do you not realize you can never catch up with me? I mean with that much weight it's Like Having A Baby Hippo chase me.

She then used some Magic To Create some Rock Golems but Gwen destoryd them all with A Blade made out of Pink Energy acting like A Frisbee-Boomerang Combo

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She then used some Magic To Create some Rock Golems but Gwen destoryd them all with A Blade made out of Pink Energy acting like A Frisbee-Boomerang Combo.

Gwen: Yeah, well at least I have A Man! You Have No One!

Gwen: Yeah, well at least I have A Man! You Have No One!

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Charmcaster: I have my Uncle! He cares about me!

She then unleashed A Huge Blast of Magical Power but Gwen created A Huge wall of Magic which Blocked the strike and acted like A Mirror blasting it back with double the power! She was forced to dodge it, it was so fast!

Charmaster: (Thoughts) Damn, Why is she so much stronger than Me? I mean She's A Mere Noob compared to A Training Master Like me. I Might not know everything like my Uncle, but I Know enough to beat someone as experienced as her! 

She kept on dodging attacks as she slowly began to realize something. Something Important.

Charmaster: (Thoughts) Wait A Second that's It! It's Her Fat! Fat is the body's way of storing additional Energy, but Maybe it's also Storing additional Mana. It explains how she can make so much more powerful Magic without getting tired, she's using her Fat to store as much Mana as Possible.

Gwen: What are you thinking about?

Charmcaster: Hahahahahahahaha!

Gwen: W-Why are you Laughing?

Charmcaster: Oh Gwendolyn I realized what you are doing. You're master Plan.

Gwen: What master Plan? I don't get it.

Charmcaster: Oh don't Pay dumb, I Know what You're doing! You got Fat as A Way to massively increase your Power!

Gwen: What? Is that... Why?

Charmcaster: Like I said don't Play dumb! Looks Like I can't beat you now but don't worry I have some Plans. Some "Big" Plans.

She then used A Teleporation spell to get out of there and soon you showed up in another form.

Y/n: Piiing! Piiing! Piiiiiiing!

Y/n: Piiing! Piiing! Piiiiiiing!

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Gwen: Huh? What's that?

Y/n: Piiiiiiiing!

The Timer then ran out and you Transformed back to Normal.

Y/n: I was saying where did Charmcaster go?

Gwen: I don't know, all she said is that she had "Big Plans" or something like that.

Y/n: Oh Okay.

Gwen: What did you do to Hex?

Y/n: Oh I did something.

Hex was Currently Tied up to A Pole above the Place where the Convention was being Held.

Hex: HELP! ANYBODY! Anybody Help? There are Vultures flying above me! That's not A Good Sign! HELP!?.................... Damn, Bastards not trying to help me...

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