*new school... again*

Start from the beginning

My mother got turned. Therefore, unlike my brother who is technically ninety-nine percent vampire and one percent elemental his abilities are still somewhat predictable because he can't control any elements as for me my abilities are unpredictable. It's kind of like that one sibling who is photogenic and that one who isn't. I am the photogenic one by the way... he smiles like a donkey that's another thing about us we can appear in photos that's kinda my messed up family's history...ish.

Ty and Nick were finished training and Nick came out looking like a newborn bird when they have no feathers. How hard can training be, he did like ten minutes.

[Well training with Ty feels like being hit with a brick in the face for ten minutes. -N]

'Where is the school?' I stood up

'You have to wait for Nick.' He said

Nick walked down and stood waiting by the door.

'You're going to Nick's school.' he smiled doing jazz hands. He's messing with me, right?

'No, I am not.' I sat back down crossing my arms.

'Well since she isn't coming I will leave.' He seemed happy I said I was not coming. He left.

'Fine then you can come with me to visit Mom.'

'I will go to school...ok.' I angrily agreed.

It's not that I don't want to see my mother it's just she is um scary. I got to school and the first person I met was the principal, Mr. Scott. I don't know what he was saying about the school and my classes I was too busy admiring his fantasy map on the wall it looked familiar but I couldn't place it.

'Your first class is history after class you will get a tour of the school from Kai Rivered.' I nodded and left to look for my history class. When I did find it, I wanted to walk out. I saw Nick sitting at the front of class and to make matters worse all the desks were occupied except for the one next to him. I walked in completely ignoring his existence.

'Isn't it bad enough I have to see at home but now in my history class, love' Nick turned to me. 'We got along so well at the café ma vilaine' He smiled.

'We did, didn't we.' I mocked him, my voice soft. We did get along well only because I didn't think I'd see him again. Mr. Jones didn't bother to look in my direction for the rest of the class which is good cause I didn't hear a word he said during class however Nick on the other hand was just pissing me off by breathing. I left class and headed to my locker; Nick followed me out of class and continued to follow me.

'Are you following me?' I narrow eyes

'What! Why would I follow you? I see enough of your pretty face at home.' we walked together to my locker.

'Sup, Jay!' Nick said to the boy next to my locker. He was heading to his friend's locker.

'Hey Nick!' the boy closed his locker and turned to me, surprised to see me. 'Yo hey Red!' he knows me... wait right he's the guy Cleo likes.

'Uh hey, Jason right, the one that texts Cleo right?' I awkwardly smiled.

'I didn't know you went to this school?'

'She didn't know either... she found out today.' Nick jumped into the conversation.

'How do you know that?' Jay asked curiously.

'Um last night after the gun thing her brother came and saved me and now I live with them' he added.

'Okay, forget that do you two know a Kai Rivered?' I asked.

'Nope,' Jay said.

Instead, Jay agreed to give me a tour of the school at lunch. Nick somehow was not too happy. After which some red-headed Barbie doll walked up to us corrected Jay and started talking to him about basketball trust me I don't know who she is but she knows absolutely nothing bout that dam sport. I could tell yah that. Jay was a little uncomfortable however, on the other hand, Nick seemed to notice her but not acknowledge her.

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