I'm Drunk In The Back Of The Car

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They wait with bated breath as their coffin is slowly lowered to the ground beside the others. The men carrying the coffin complained at the weight but were soon distracted when his father's contact starts talking. Jungwon doesn't know what bullshit he spewed to get all the men away for a little while but he wastes no time in pushing the coffin door open once their footsteps fade in the distance.

Cold air hits his face and as much as he wants to take a breather, he doesn't exactly know how much time they have so he quickly clambers out of the coffin and helps Sunghoon out.

They are already out of the Capital's borders but hitching a ride in here is impossible. There is a small town situated right before where the West's borders start and they can begin from there. If they start now, they should arrive before noon. Thankfully, travelers are known to frequent the area so they shouldn't stand out too much.

"Come on," he motions for Sunghoon and pulls the fabric back in place around his mouth. He hooks his jade earring on his right ear as they trudge towards the dense woods.

"Why can't we just take the main road?" Sunghoon asks as he falls into step beside him.

"Land imports to the Capital go through the main roads, predictably. We'd look suspicious leaving the Capital borders on foot and dressed like these," Jungwon explains and the older hums in understanding.

"You're awfully good at this, doll."

Jungwon smirks despite himself. "Why do you think?"

Sunghoon blinks at him. And then—

"You need to constantly remind me what you're capable of before I find myself murdered in my sleep."

"If I wanted to get rid of you, I would've done it after the first night," Jungwon answers matter-of-factly, cutting the older a glare at the corner of his eyes. Sunghoon heaves a dramatic sigh and plops an arm around his shoulders.

"My murderous darling."


They walk for hours and when the sun's risen up and he's about to quit and live his life as a tree stump, the small village finally comes into view. His knees buckles and he finds himself sitting on the ground in exhaustion. His lover snorts behind his makeshift mask and Sunghoon musters a weak glare at him.

"Not a word," he warns. He's so tired he could fall asleep sitting.

"Of course, Your Highness," Jungwon answers dryly though amusement shines in his eyes.

"Must we keep this flimsy fabric in our face all throughout our journey?" Sunghoon complains, scowling. The fabric is soft but it's annoying.

"We can remove them after we pass this town. This is the closest town to the borders, they might recognize you."

"How long will we stay here?" He asks, already dreading the upcoming journey. This is what happens when he's thinking with the wrong head—he drags himself into situations without thinking it through. Clearly, he's not built for stealth mission. He'd much rather lead a platoon right to the enemy's door.

Though the thought of a week or two without the younger constantly in his sight does not appeal to him in the slightest.

"We move late in the afternoon. We're going right through the town and it will be suspicious if we leave immediately. We can pretend to have gone through the Capital grounds as well and that we were looking to spend the rest of the afternoon packing up new supplies before continuing to the West."

Sunghoon eyes their simple satchels and nods in understanding. No wonder they packed light.

"Now, if you're done taking your royalty breather, let's get the hell out of here," the younger says, looking around and already pulling at Sunghoon's sleeves.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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