It's a Cruel Summer

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The coachman is dead.

Jungwon watches in horror as the body rolls away, an arrow protruding from the back of the coachman's head.

"What's wrong?" He hears the Crown Prince asking but Jungwon doesn't answer, his mind running a mile per minute as he realizes he's not with his brother.

How many weapons does Sunoo have? Does he have enough? He's with the Royal Captain and the younger Prince. What about Jay and Jake? Do they carry weapons with them?

How many enemies are out there?

He's pulled away from his thoughts as Sunghoon yanks him away from the window and into the seat beside him. He's suddenly surprised to discover that the interior of the carriage has gone dark, the smell of the oil lamp lingering around them.

"Stay close to me," Sunghoon whispers calmly, having noted of their current situation, his arm around the younger's shoulders.

Right. This isn't the first time that there are threats to the life of the Crown Prince. It gives Jungwon an odd sort of relief.

"Tell me the plan," Jungwon whispers back, noticing that they haven't strayed off of the path yet even with the coachman dead. Did someone take over? He didn't notice. How sure are they that it's not the enemy?

"They would've sent someone ahead to alert the Palace and send reinforcements. In the meantime, we will head to one of the shelters to get more weapons—"

"We're going to fight?"

"Yes. I may be the Crown Prince, but my mother is still wearing the crown. We will not bring those on our tail to her doorsteps."

Jungwon frowns. His father would've made sure that Sunoo is nowhere near any danger to secure the lineage—

"Aw, doll. Worried about me?" Sunghoon grins and Jungwon pushes his arm off of his shoulder.

"I'm worried about my brother. And the others," he answers and dares to peek outside the window.

"I am as well—"

The carriage turns sharply and Jungwon stumbles back to his seat in surprise.

"Oh, I hate this part," Sunghoon mutters. Jungwon looks at him in question and the older offers a wry smile. "There's no easy road towards any of the shelters."

As if to prove his words, the carriage starts lurching from side to side as it takes on the unusual path. A hand covers the back of Jungwon's head as he bumps against the wall, and he quickly finds purchase along the seat to avoid falling over. One unwilling hand reaches out to steady Sunghoon but he somehow ends up pulling the other over him as he tumbles down.

"Fucking—" Sunghoon curses, his free hand blindly groping the wall for purchase.

Plush, cushioned seats meet Jungwon's back and he flinches when he finds the older hovering closely over him. Hairs tickle his cheeks and warm breath fans his face.

Just great.


Sunghoon curses inwardly as he feels the blooming bruise on his shin. He doesn't think the younger meant to pull him down with him, but Sunghoon still tried cushioning the younger's head with his hand and at the same time, not suffocate him with his weight. He ends up hastily positioning his legs to slow down their fall and bumps his shin on the edge of the seat in the process.

And he can still feel the back of his head throbbing from where he bumped it earlier.

Jungwon starts to move for a more comfortable position beneath him but the older shushes him.

He Looks Up Grinning Like A Devil | Sunghoon X JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now