jeongin os - reunited

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you sighed of relief as you dragged your suitcase behind you.

your flight was ready to board and you were excitedly getting on.

although it'd be an eight hour flight, you were too blinded by eagerness to care.

after a few extra checks, you took your seat.

you'd made sure you had a window seat as well.

sitting in between two people was strange and the aisle wasn't for you.

you put your bags and suitcase in their designated areas and fastened your seatbelt.

you put your phone on airplane mode and scrolled to the movie app.

the person who sat next to you was just arriving.

he put his bags up as well and took out earbuds.

one had slipped from his grasp and landed on your lap.

you grabbed it before it could completely fall off and looked at the man.

"sorry, sorry. my hands are slippery..."

he studied your face.


you had an odd feeling of recognition.

"y/n?? from mrs. jung's class?"

"jeongin from mr. kim's class?"

the two of you stared at each other in silence for a second.

"this is awkward."

he muttered.

the thing was, jeongin had liked you all throughout middle school and right before you moved away your sophomore year.

everybody knew, including you, thus making the air tense.

jeongin sat down with an embarrassed expression.

"what are the odds...?"

he didn't make eye contact.

"it's a small world."

you cringed at yourself.

you were waiting for the flight to land every minute that went by.

as soon as you got out of the plane you'd have the chance to breathe.

yes, because of the awkwardness, but also because of how stunning jeongin had become.

not that he wasn't attractive before, but he looked like he'd been blessed by an angel.

heck, maybe even god himself.

he struck up conversation by asking,

"so how's life out of high school?"

"tiring. i'm a photographer, so i travel a lot..."

you finally had the courage to face him.

"really? that's neat. do you mind if i ask to see some of the images?"

you shook your head.

"let me get my laptop."

you grabbed your laptop and began to show jeongin some of the photos you had taken.

he seemed mesmerized.

"but enough about me...what are you gonna do in italy?"

"i'm traveling to surprise my friends. two of them are in italy for their work as well and i figured a break would be nice."

jeongin grinned.

you nodded.

"that sweet of you."

the silence started again.


𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐙𝐄 ~|~ 𝐬𝐤𝐳 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now