Moment Of Nostalgia

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An: We are in season 4. Because I don't see Charlotte doing a lot in season 3. Charlotte will be 4 years old. 

1540, White Hall 

No one POV 

Edward and Charlotte were walking down with Elizabeth and Elizabeth said "We're to meet our new step mother." 

Charlotte said "Mary wasn't very happy about it" and Elizabeth said "Well, she is the Queen now, and we must show our love to her, Father will want us too." 

Charlotte said "I don't understand why I have to go, Father doesn't care" and Edward said "Yes, he does." 

Charlotte said "To you, he doesn't like me" and Elizabeth said "That is not true, Charlie, he loves you, he loves all of us." 

Edward said "And you have me" and he grabbed her hand and Charlotte smiled and said "Thank Ned." 

Edward said "Your welcome,Lottie" and Charlotte smiled and said "We need to speak about the nicknames, I really don't like mine." 

Edward said "Well, I like it and I declare that should be your nickname." 

Charlotte said "Well, I would hate to go against you, your Highness" and Edward smiled. 

Lady Bryan grabbed Edward's hand and lead him up and said "Come on, My Prince." 

Charlotte looked at Elizabeth and said "I miss the Lady Anne" and Elizabeth said "I know but we can still visit her soon, and who knows she could be very sweet as well." 

Charlotte said "But Mary doesn't like her. Mary says she's childish" and Elizabeth said "Charlotte, you have to be careful with what you say someone can hear you, and then that would be very dangerous, what do I always say?". 

Charlotte said in French"Honest in private, away from prying ears" and Elizabeth said "Look who's a showoff." 

Charlotte said "I've been practicing, I want to make Father proud , maybe then he might like me more." 

Elizabeth smiled and hugged her and Elizabeth said "Well, no matter what, you have me and I will never leave you, I promise." 

Charlotte smiled. 

In Katherine's Chamber 

Katherine was being prepared when Lady Rochford said "Majesty, the Lady Mary" and Mary walked in and curtised and  Katherine said "Lady Mary." 

Mary said "Madam." 

Katherine said "It gives me such pleasure to meet you. The King talks about you often. No, all the time. With such affection... It is my dearest wish that you and I may be kind and loving... and warm to each other... After all, Lady Mary, you are now my stepdaughter." 

Mary said "I shall attend upon Your Majesty whenever Your Majesty chooses to invite me."

Katherine said "Thank you. Will you stay a while? My maids have made some cakes." 

Mary said "No, thank you. I bid you a good day. Madam." 

Mary curtised. 

In the hallway 

Charlotte was reading a book and she saw people walking by and whispering and Mary said "Try this word." 

Charlotte spoke the verse in Latin and Mary said "Very good, your quite gifted for being so young" and Charlotte said "Thank you, Lady Mary." 

She looked over to the people whispering and Mary said "If there is something important then say it, otherwise leave." 

The Maid walked away and Charlotte said "Thank you, Mary" and Mary said "You should not let that distract you. That will happen many times because of your looks and birth." 

The Tudors and Reign: Mother's Daughterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن