Destiny And Fortune

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The Tower 

No one POV 

Anne was praying and Anne said "Give glory to thee, O Lord, for you have saved me from injustice......from slanderous tongues and an unjust king. My soul shall praise thee even to the last, to my death......for thou deliverest those that wait for thee." 

Hatfield House 

Someone walked in front of Elizabeth and said "Make way for Princess Elizabeth. Make way there. Make way for Her Grace." 

Elizabeth sat down and Lady Sheldon was holding Baby Charlotte. 

At the Tower 

Anne was sitting down and Master Kingston walked in and Anne said "Master Kingston." 

Master Kingston said "My lady. I can now tell you that the king has decreed... ...that you will not be burned......but suffer a quicker death by decapitation. In his mercy, the king has also acceded to your plea... use the services of the executioner of Calais... ...who is even now on his way here from Dover." 

Anne said "When am I to die?" and Master Kingston said "At 9:00." 

Anne said "I am content. Will you send for Archbishop Cranmer... he may hear my last confession and administer Holy Communion?" and Master Kingston nodded and said "My lady.


Master Kingston brought Bishop Cranmer and Cranmer said "Master Kingston, tell me, how is the lady?" and Master Kingston said "Truthfully, in the early days of her captivity......she often spoke rather wildly. For example, that it would not rain until she was released. But now, according to her almoner... ...preparations for death have increasingly occupied her thoughts......and so I believe she is reconciled to it." 

Cranmer said "I am glad. I am glad. Although... grieves me that I must cause her further pain." 

They walked in and Cranmer said "My lady, I am obliged to tell you that your marriage to the king.....has been declared null and void. " 

Anne said "On what grounds?" and Cranmer said "On the grounds of your close.....and forbidden degree of affinity to another woman... ...known carnally by the king." 

Anne said "My sister?" and Cranmer said "Yes." 

Anne said "Then my daughters are" and Cranmer said "Yes. Elizabeth and Charlotte are to be declared bastards. Madam, I swear to you I will do everything within my power... protect and support them......and keep them always in the king's good and kind graces." 

Anne said " Thank you. And now, since my time approaches... ...I beg Your Grace to hear my confession. Also, I should like the constable present... ...when I receive the good Lord." 

At the Chapel 

He walked up and said "Madam. My child... you have a confession?" and Anne bent down and said "Yes.I confess my innocence before God. I solemnly swear, on the damnation of my soul... ...that I have never been unfaithful to my lord and husband... ...nor ever offended with my body against him. I do not say that I have always borne towards him... ...the humility which I owed him... ..considering his kindness and the great honour he showed me.....and the great respect he always paid me. I admit, too, that I have often taken it into my head to be jealous of him. But God knows and is my witness... ...I have not sinned against him in any other way. Think not I say this in the hope to prolong my life. God has taught me how to die and he will strengthen my faith. As for my brother... ...and those others who were unjustly condemned... ...I would willingly have suffered many deaths to deliver them... ...but since I see it pleases the king... ...I will willingly accompany them in death... ...with this assurance: That I shall lead an endless life with them in peace. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." 

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