!Welcome to Heaven!

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Adam's golden yellow eyes fluttered open, he slowly raised his head off of the ground, some rouge strands of hair got in his face. He looked around and noticed he wasn't in Eden anymore, he slowly got up onto his feet. He noticed he was in a white room with a table and some chairs and a giant window.

"Where am I, where's Eve?" Adam looked around, unfamiliar with his surroundings, as he was looking around the doors opened to reveal a beautiful woman with long blonde hair styled in high ponytail, she had pale skin and was wearing a white dress with a light blue cape, she had two small wings covering her eyes and two pairs of wings coming out of her back.

"Where am I, where's Eve?" Adam looked around, unfamiliar with his surroundings, as he was looking around the doors opened to reveal a beautiful woman with long blonde hair styled in high ponytail, she had pale skin and was wearing a white dress w...

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Adam stared at the pretty woman in awe. "Greetings first man, welcome to heav- OH MY GOODNESS" she turned around to face the door, causing Adam to be even more confused. "Is there something wrong?" Poo guy was genuinely confused of what was going on and this just added to it. " Um, apologies, first man, but you seem to be... unclothed..." Adam looked down at himself and realization hit him like a rock, " oh. OH! Shoot sorry! I am so sorry." " It's ok you've only just recently received this kind of knowledge, here let me just-" with the snap of her fingers a robe appeared on Adam covering him up, a little golden leaf circlet wrapped around his head and he had a pair of sandals the wrapped around his legs.

"Is that comfortable for you?" Adam chuckled a bit at the woman's question. " well it's better than being naked in front of someone I have never met before in a strange place." The woman turned around to finally look at Adam, the wings the were covered her eyes retreated back into her head, her eyes finally being revealed to him, They were lovely to look at. " R-right, allow me to introduce myself", she did a little bow. "My name is Y/N, I'm one of God's Archangels and the Seraphim's assistant. It is an honor to meet you first man." Why does she keep calling him First man?

"Hello Y/N, I'm Adam,... should I bow to?" Y/N lightly laughed at this. " I know who you are Adam, and no you needn't bow." "Ok, wait if you know who I am, why do you keep calling me first man?" Y/N looked at him a little confused at his question at first but then remembered. " Oh, apologies, you were the first human man to be created by God himself, so all the angels in heaven just called you the first man."

"What is Heaven?"




This is gonna take awhile.

"Well-uhm- Heaven is the peaceful Afterlife that truly pure souls can experience together and truly be at peace."

"After life?"

What kind of knowledge did that Apple give him?

After a few hours of explaining what heaven was and what the after life is Adam somehow got you to take another few hours who the Archangels were and who the Seraphim was. Then somehow he did it again,

"Wait if I'm in heaven because I was one of the first creations, where's Eve? Or Lilith..."

He slightly groaned when he mentioned Lilith's name which was understandable.

" Well you see... They aren't exactly here... in Heaven, with you..." she had a nervous grin on her face when she told him the truth. Adam's face had a look of worry.

"Then, where is Eve?"

"She's kind of... in hell... with Lucifer and Lilith..." I'm so sorry.

Adam's worried expression turned into one of shock, his wives were in hell with the same fucker that took them from him?! Wait, what was that word? What did it mean?

"Hey Y/N, what's a fucker?"

Oh sweet lord have mercy- as if Y/N couldn't be even more shocked this question somehow did, he learned about his exception to swear words, 💭I'm gonna kill Azrael for making those.💭

"Nothing important, just don't go around saying that word."

"Ok then, why is Eve in hell?"

"Well she ate the apple."

"But I ate it too, how come I'm not in hell?"

"Because Eve fell into the temptation like Lucifer wanted, you were tricked and betrayed by Eve into eating the apple because you trusted her. You don't get to go to hell for that."

"Huh, so she betrayed me... for an Apple..."

"I'm sorry Adam."

Y/N placed a hand on his shoulder as a sign of comfort, but Adam immediately wrapped his arms around her in an embrace, 💭good lord he is tall, wait, how tall did Michael say he was again? 9ft, crap, I'm only 7ft tall, I'm tiny compared to him.💭 Adam then backed away from her.

"Sorry, I just had the urge to hug someone."

"You're fine Adam, you needed comfort."

This is getting depressing.

"Oh, I just remembered I need to show you all of Heaven! Here take my hand, and let me be the first to welcome you to Heaven."

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