⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚~My house~˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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It’s around 9:15 and you're laying in bed.

I laid down and rest my head on my pillow. Staring up at my ceiling.I thought to myself, I hate
this room. It’s so childish, dad says I can’t change it because it’s his only reminder of mom. She designed the room, but why can’t I- my thoughts were rudely interrupted by the repetitive sound of pebbles hitting my window. I raised and eye brow and sat up.. My fingers in the window will and my eyes peering at the source. Calvin Fucking Thermopolis. Of course he’s here.. why’s he here?
     OH yea, because of the stupid thing I did in Chemistry today. I rolled my eyes and opened my window, shouting* “Go away!” “Awww Princess come on? You don’t mean that?” He said with a laugh.. god I hate him “just come out here.. I said I’d pick you up” I scoffed “and I said no thank you!” I looked down at the outfit I was wearing.. and old T-shirt and some sleep shorts.“besides I’m not ready..” I said while going to shut my window . “Then I’m coming up and we’ll do this here.” he said with a smirk, he extended his arms and started climbing… well trying to climb.
    I laughed at him and he rolled his eyes. He stopped trying and looked at the tree in my front yard. The branches extended to my window perfectly. SHIT HES CLIMBING THE TREE?! I thought while slamming my window shut. Peeling away from it and standing far from it. I heard him laugh again and then a small thud. He’s now standing on my roof peering into my window. Oh my god. “Open the window Princess.” He smirked triumphantly and put his hands on his hips, I just gawked at him.
     His brown hair somewhat fell into his pale green eyes. It was haunting in a way, I slowly inched toward the window again. “What’s going to happen when I open this window Cal?” He just smirked and leaned in closer to it. “You’ll see.” My hand trembled light on the lock, I took a deep breath, calmed myself and opened the window..

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