21) The aftermath

Start from the beginning

Y/n looked toward the person who had rudely interrupted his conversation and saw Elio, he was staring at Clark with a blank expression, yet the faintest intentions could be deciphered by the dark glint in his eyes.

"Don't touch things that aren't yours." Elio's tone was languid, but the brunette caught up on the warning behind the words.

Clark swallowed down saliva and gave Y/n a quick worried look before walking away. Y/n snapped an agitated scowl toward Elio and ripped his wrist away, lightly rubbing the flesh in a soothing motion "What the hell was that?!" Elio didn't answer and instead trailed his gaze toward the boy's hands. "You're hurt...What happened?" Y/n hardened his scowl. "Don't change the subject!" he hissed.

Elio looked up at the h/c haired through his lashes with a vehement stare, but Y/n glared back with equal agitation. Ultimately, Y/n broke his stare by looking into the hectic crowd. He could see paramedics rushing everywhere and students whispering to each other all around. They had surely seen Avery, the bloodied knife, and his hands. Rumors were definitely going to spread.

Too wrapped up in his thoughts, Yn failed to register Elio once more, grabbing his wrist and dragging him along. "Hey?!" Y/n tried to dig his heels in the ground but it appeared to do nothing against Elio's grip 'What the hell do these guys do in their free time to be this strong?!' The black haired male tugged him toward the rest of the quartet.

Y/n tore his limp away from Elio, casting a glare his way, Elio didn't acknowledge it and instead leaned over to Ezra and whispered something incoherent to him. The ash blond shifted his eyes toward Y/n's wound and Y/n hid his hands behind his back. He didn't want to deal with an interrogation right now.

"What happened?" Ezra asked. Y/n leaned slightly backward on his heels in nervousness "Nothing." Ezra folded his arms in a stern manner but when it was evident that the h/c haired wasn't going to give him a straight answer he glanced toward his brother. Nova seemed to understand the implication and grabbed Y/n's arm.

"He- get off!" Y/n fought against Nova's grasp but the ash blond was stronger, he ripped Y/n's arm from behind his back and held an iron grip on his wrist as he pulled the boy's wrist forward to showcase his wounded hand to the group. The paramedic has woven multiple layers of bandage around his palm to prevent excessive bleeding, but dried-up blood could still clearly be seen on his hands.

Nova's grip softened when his eyes landed on the boy's wounds and that was enough for Y/n to tear his wrist away and shield his hands into his chest. He snapped his head away. The group stared at him with blank looks. "Y/n..." The boy rigorously shook his head "No! shut it! I don't want to talk about it!" He squeezed his knuckles as a reminder of the events that had taken place on the rooftop.

"Y/n you-" Roy began, taking a step toward the h/c haired but Y/n took a step back "No! I said shut it, I don't to talk about it!" Y/n's voice was edging on hysteria as he started to recount the memories in his mind. The four boys took notice of this and finally backed off. Y/n let out a shuddering breath and glanced to the side.

Paramedics were wheeling a stretcher with a body covered by white cloth into the ambulance, It didn't take a genius to figure out who was on the stretcher. It became even more clear when he saw Alex step into the vehicle after the stretcher was rolled in, Even from here Y/n could see Alex's puffy and red-shot eyes. 'This fucking serial killer is ruining lives.' The h/c haired felt spite build up in his chest. Y/n's ears perked at the mention of his name, and he glanced toward Ezra "Y/n, your mom is heading this way." The boy glimpsed toward the direction Ezra was pointing.

Y/n's mother rushed up to him and pulled him into a hug "Oh, thank gods, you're okay..." She cried. She backed off and took his hands in her own. "Clark and Kiara told me what happened, Have you lost your mind? Why would you three go up there?" she exclaimed with sadness and frustration. Y/n threw a side glance toward the quartet, who stood quietly off the side. 'Damn it. guess they're getting what they want anyway.' Y/n pursed his lips before speaking. "We wanted to stop her." he muttered.

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