Chapter 4. Crazy little things a teenager does

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Yuri put his freshly dried hair in a ponytail and opened his clauset, facing an enormous ammount of extraordinary clothes. He skipped through all of his shirts until he settled on a black tanktop as well as a black pair of pants and doc martens he had bought when he was in America for a smaller competition. As he looked into the mirror he felt as if something was missing. He turned back around when he noticed the sleeve of his leather jacket hanging out of the small hill of clothes on his chair. Another look into the mirror, this time with the jacket and a pair of sunglasses. In his opinion he looked older than he was, though Lilia would have called him a crazy kid for wearing such a thin outfit while a snowstorm was going on outside.

He opened the curtains in front of his window and looked outside. All he saw was snow and snow, over snow and snow. Lilia wasn’t wrong with her prediction, but as long as he would still find a taxi since the roads were free, he wouldn’t care about her words.

10:30pm, half an hour left. He grabbed a scarf and a cap as well as his phone and wallet. As he opened the door, he double checked if the lights were out and if there was no other sound. The house was completely silent, the light from Lilia’s room had been turned off a few minutes ago. He knew he only had one exact chance, if he messed up, he would have to spend the next week only inside his room without his phone.

‘Fuck it, who cares about phones when you can have your fun sneaking out’, he thought to himself and closed the door. Not even a look back before he jumped through the snow trying not to get his pants totally wet before even reaching the main street. He walked a few minutes on the streets where people had been shoveling the snow away until he reached a taxi spot. He still had around 40 dollars which was a bit less than 4000 russian rubles and more than enough to take the 3 kilometers ride to the bar Otabek was putting music on in.

The closer they were driving to the location, the more did the nervousness rise inside him. He wasn’t 16 yet, noone knew where he was and Otabek especially told him not to come, if something happened they would make him be responsible for it. Nevermind, nothing would happen…at least he hoped it would. Outside the window of the car, the snow got higher and higher on the ground until it reached the windows. He swallowed the knot inside his throat down and leaned back until they reached a crowded street. Pink and purple neon lights came from a house somewhere on it and he felt how his heartbeat started getting faster. He quickly handed the money to the driver and jumped out of the car.

‘Pff what even am I afraid of-‘, he then said to his mind and opened his hair. The hairband around his wrist he pulled his sunglasses down for an inch to look at the purposely smudged eyeliner around his eyes in the reflection of a car window. He did have confidence…and still waited for a good moment in which the security guard started an argument with one of the guests, in which he sneaked past him and quickly hid behind a tall guy in the crowd.

Between legs, sweat and bottles of alcohol he looked at the front, trying to find Otabek. There indeed was a table with a lot of electronics on it of which he didn’t have a clue what they were for. Then a guy in a black t-shirt turned around and out of attitude Yuri would have almost shouted his name, but luckily held back before embarrassing himself madly.
He made his way through the crowd and leaned against a pillar covered in glittery stripes and stars. He rolled his eyes at the stupid decoration, threw his head back to get thre strands of hair in his face out of it. First the tip of his foot going up and down then his head, the beat quickly took over his brain, making all of his worries vanish within seconds. He hadn’t ever been partying before and never believed Victor and Yuuri when they had told him how good it was…now he felt dumb for not trusting their words.

Moving people all around him, the music echoing in his ears. No alcohol needed to enjoy the vibe, and the longer he stood there watching the crowd, the more he felt the urge to join them in, no matter their looks, no matter the confusion…yes the security guard mattered, but he was probably still having his problems with the guys outside…so why not take a chance.
‘I already know that I’m going to regret this…’, the thought to himself but then joined the partying crowd without any hesitation, following their moves. Otabek really had a taste for the music he liked himself.

He already saw himself skating to one of those songs, but he didn’t think any further about this. Instead, he simply enjoyed the time until he noticed the music getting more and more silent, then they switched off to more quiet music coming from the boxes and the people walked off, back to their tables. He quickly looked around and leaned against the pillar like when he first came here, this time with his back to Otabek so ne wouldn’t see him. Sweat dropped off his forehead as he saw the numbers on his phone. 1am, he had already been here for TWO entire hours without getting noticed at all…? Only 5 more hours left until Lilia would notice that he was gone…

That was the moment he remembered that he had accidentally left the door to his room open, if she was up early, she would see that he wasn’t in his room as well as some of his best clothes, phone, wallet and headphones. She would make him a head shorter than he already was. He was about to sink down the pillar as someone tapped his shoulder with a finger. He flinched and slowly turned his head around, expecting to be confronted by the security guard, when to his surprise, he looked right into Otabek’s face.

“You didn’t think I wouldn’t notice you, having the weirdest dance moves did you?”, he asked and put his hand on his hips.
“It’s nice to see you too-“, Yuri answered after catching himself again.
Otabek chuckled and dragged him behind all the electronics on the small stage to sit down at a table.
“So you really managed to get here? I assume you did not tell your Coaches?”, he started again.
“Urgh…stop- of course they don’t know, Lilia would have never let me out and if it only was for half an hour.”
“Two hours is a thing you know?”
“Is asking questions your job?”, he snitched back.
“I’m just caring for your savety.”
“Thanks for that but I can do it myself pretty well- I’m almost 16-“
“There is the problem, youre not yet 16, how did you even get past the security guard?”
“You think I’ll tell you my secret?”
“Lord…crazy little things you teenagers do.”
“Who are you calling a crazy teenager? I’m well aware of what I’m doing. You can’t tell me you’ve never sneaked out before can you?”

He started laughing.
“No I can’t, but I was, oh wonder, 16 at that time.”, he then said.
Yuri rolled his eyes at him.
“You wanna drink something?”
The blond nodded at him and told his sunglasses off. Finally, he saw everything that was actually going on around him. Otabek was also wearing a leather jacket by now, a shining cold chain hanging down his chest. Yuri drove a hand through his hair and looked at the menue.
“Diet Coke.”
Otabek nodded at a waiter and to Yuri’s surprise ordered in Russian.
“Where did you learn that?”, he asked and looked up at him.
“Google translator.”, he replied and shrugged his shoulders.
“Not bad”, Yuri judged and put his chin in his hand, “and you’re not mad or something?”, he then added.
“Let’s say I can’t change the situation anymore, all I can do is make sure you get back homew safely.”
“I can take a taxi, I have enough money with me.”
“Depending on how save I feel later after what I drank, I may drive you home by myself.”
“So Lilia notices you?”
“It’s just an idea.”

The waiter put the can down on the table and Otabek handed him a few rubles.
“There was this one song you played, it sounded a damn lot like hair metal- or something like that, did you write it?”, Yuri then asked and sipped at his drink.
“Yeah, all of the songs I played were written by me, some with feat like the one you mentioned, it’s called “welcome to the madness” and I had a singer feat it for me, Steve Mcnair an amazing dude.”
“Mhm…I really liked that one.”
“You listen to Rock and Metal in your freetime if my memory is correct?”
“Yup, Lilia doesn’t like it- that’s why I have a music box.”
“I was like that too, my parents are fans of classical music and I used to play my rock CDs on my CD-player on full volume all the time.”
Yuri did notice Otabek’s heavy accent, a little smile washed over his lips, thinking of how good his English was compared to Otabek’s…although he himself was terrible in English. Due to his online schooling he rarely heard anyone speak English without any accent, what lead to him talking as if he had searched up all his words with Google translator last minute, but didn’t have time to listen to the correct pronounciation before talking.

“What are you smiling about?”, Otabek asked.
“Am I not allowed to ha-? I just sneaked out, that’s why I am happy, problem with that?”, he replied, quickly noticing his harsh tone.
Otabek raised an eyebrow.
“Ah yes- so how’s it going the training and school?”
“The training? Ough it’s a chaos.”
Yuri wanted to spit on the ground but held back, “she won’t let me skate to the songs I want. And school? I’m homeschooled with an online class on Saturdays and Sundays.”
“Lilia is a classical person as I can see- but school on the weekends, do you even get any time off?”
“Not really, only on the school holidays.”
“I’m so happy that I finished school this year.”, Otabek uttered.
“Lucky you, I bet you don’t live at home anymore?”, Yuri threw in.
“No I don’t, I just got myself a small apartment back home in Kazakhstan, but it’s only a one room flat, due to the contests I travel a lot, you know the stuff.”
“I wish I could move back to my grandfather, he would have let me come here-“
“Sometimes it’s the own achievements that make us make decisions we don’t wanna make.”
“What do you mean, are you some kind of stupid poet?”
“I had a girlfriend back in Kazakhstan, we split up because I was traveling so much and she felt like this wasn’t what she wanted.”

“You had a girlfriend?”, he asked and gave him an unbelieving look.
“Don’t look at me like you thought I had always been single my entire life.”
“Just saying- I didn’t know.”
“What about you?”

‘What’s this- is he trying to pretend as if I was his age so I would feel better by him asking me about my relationship status?’

“No, I didn’t have a partner yet- It’s rather hard to find someone that isn’t only out for my looks or fame. Remember when you helped me out as the group of fangirls chased after me?”
“Yes I do”
“Those are this kind of people, they probably know more about me than I do.”
Otabek chuckled and ordered himself a small cocktail which Yuri stared at for another five minutes, before Otabek pushed the glass over to him.
“One try- I will not buy you alcohol, I don’t even know why I let you stay.”, he said with a raised finger.
Yuri shrugged his shoulders and took a sip without even drawing a face.
Otabek raised an eyebrow at him but Yuri pushed the glass back.
“What did you say, for how long you will stay here?”, he then asked.
“I’ll drive back tomorrow if the snow storm doesn’t make a cut into my plans.”

Yuri secretly hoped for the snowstorm to actually cut thought Otabek’s plans, childish…it was more than childish, if he really thought about it. But thinking over it once more, he had to admit that he didn’t have a lot of other friends in the area, if he wasn’t counting Victor and Yuuri in. Those weren’t….friends….
And if he was a honest with himself, Otabek had been a better friend to him than anyone ever before…besides Potya, but that damn cat was still at his grandpa’s. Or maybe he just wasn’t getting over the fact that he was secretly looking up at Otabek. Not for his skating skills though, Yuri had a way higher ranking than him, but for being a stable grown up with his life in his own hands. He admired him for the human he was, except for the problem that he was a bit too strict for Yuri’s liking…but things could change, if he wasn’t totally wrong about that.

Nevermind the writing block hasn't gone until tonight so here's a short chapter. :]

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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