Chapter 10 - Voices

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure?"

Mitch nodded. "We're going to need to do some shopping tonight."


On Wednesday Mitch and I woke up and got ready to go to the airport.

"I don't think I've been on an airplane." Mitch says while he was helping me packing. "In this life or my last."

"Technically, it's the same life." I pointed out. "You were Mitch Grassi then, and you're Mitch Grassi now."

"I suppose so," Mitch replies.

"Did you not take a plane when you moved to LA?" I asked.

Mitch shook his head. "I think I just packed everything into my car and drove. That still hasn't quite come back to me just yet."

I nodded. "Well, you'd better go say good-bye to Wyatt." I said, pointing out the door. "I'm just about to be done packing and then we need to leave."

Mitch nods and starts calling for Wyatt.

I packed the last of my clothes and my charger and zipped up my suitcase.

My stomach's been churning all day. I'm so nervous about meeting Mitch's parents. I don't even know why. 

Well, they are his parents, so naturally they would be worried about the people their son hang out with. They need to be able to trust that I'll take care of Mitch.

I took a deep breath and walked out of my room, rolling my suitcase behind me. 

Mitch was lying on his belly on the couch across from Wyatt. Mitch turned his head when I walked in. He nodded and leaned in to kiss the top of Wyatt's wrinkly head and sat up, getting off the couch.

Mitch grabbed his suitcase and said good-bye to Wyatt one more time.

"You ready to go?" I asked.

Mitch nodded. "Let's go."

Mitch's POV

I was both excited and nervous for a lot of things.

From what I heard from Scott, planes are usually really fun to ride, but I kept thinking of the worst case scenario: the plane crashing.

I was nervous to go back to my hometown, but also excited since I could see where I came from.

I had met my parents before, but I had gained more memories of them since they first saw them in the hospital. I was nervous about facing them again after putting them through the torture of your child not remembering who you are. I was excited to finally be able to talk to them and be casual since I remember most everything now.

I was nervous my parents wouldn't approve of Scott. Will I have to be able to move in with them and leave Scott behind in LA?

I was also excited for my parents to meet Scott.

Scott's an amazing person, so kind and generous. He was also so humble and supportive. He's helped me through this and he was there with me the entire time. I would probably be lost without him.

I kept thinking about these things during the ride to the airport.

Scott noticed.

"You okay, Mitch?" He had asked. "You look like you're off in la la land."

I blinked. "Sorry. I'm just thinking."

"Hey," Scott said softly. "I'm nervous, too."

I smiled a little. "Thank you."

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