Chapter 10 - Voices

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Sorry I didn't update last week! I was on a lake trip with my youth group and I didn't have time to update.

But I'm updating now! Yay! And this one is pretty long, too, so it's a double whammy!

Hope y'all enjoy it! ^^


Scott's POV

After the call with Mitch's parents, he and I sat down to book a flight to Arlington.

"What day works for you, Mitch?" I asked him.

Mitch shrugged. "I don't have a job or anything to do really, so no. I would like to get there as soon as possible, though."

"All right." I replied. "How about we leave next Wednesday?"

Mitch nods. "Sounds good."

I nodded and booked the flight.

"Who will take care of Wyatt while we're gone?" Mitch asked.

"My friend, Kirstie usually comes by and feeds him whenever I'm out of town. He'll be all right." I reassured him.

"May I take a shower?" Mitch asks. "I haven't taken one in a long time."

"Oh, yeah. Of course. The bathroom is the first door on your right down that hall. You can use my shampoo and stuff."

"Got it. Thank you, Scott."

"No problem."

After Mitch walked away to take a shower, I inspected the pantry to see if I had anything I could use to make dinner.

I heard the water turn on and... singing.

It was faint, so I walked closer to the bathroom to hear Mitch's voice.

He was singing the same song he sung that first day I visited him.

His voice was so beautiful. I could listen to it forever.

The water stopped running, but Mitch kept singing.

The doorknob turned and I sprinted to the kitchen. I wouldn't want Mitch to think I was stalking him or something.

I pretended to study the nutritional facts label on a pack of ramen when Mitch walked in, humming.

"Hey, Mitch." I greeted, looking up from the ramen pack.

I was planning on taking a quick glance then look back down, but I caught myself staring.

Water droplets fell from the tips of his bangs, the latter sticking to his glowing olive skin in a tousled mess.

A towel was wrapped around his waist, revealing his bare chest.

I faked a sneeze so I could wipe away the drool that had begun to dribble over my lips.

"Bless you." Mitch says.

"Thanks." I replied, looking back at him.

"Do you have clothes I can borrow?" Mitch asks.

"Yeah, but they'll be pretty big on you." I replied, putting down the ramen and walking to my room.

"That's fine." Mitch reassures, following me.

I grabbed one of my tanks and sweat pants and handed them to Mitch. "Here."

"Thank you. Now, where shall I change? And what about underwear?"

I swore mentally. "Unless you want to borrow mine, you'll have to go commando."

Mitch sighs. "I guess I'll go commando."

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