Needing Answers

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"Aggro? Are you here?" Summer asked. She came out of a crack in one of the rocks. "Hey Summer. You're doing great with Leyla." She said. "Thanks. It's getting late though, you should head back to the roost. Leyla and I will catch up." The young water dragon told her. "Ok then, see you there." Aggro replied. She flew off and Summer came out from behind the rocks. "There you are Summer! What were you doing?" Leyla asked her. She had to think of something quick. "Just uh, getting a drink!" "Why do you have to go behind the rocks to do that?" "The water back there, um, tastes the freshest?" "Whatever you say, Sum. Come on, let's get back to the Roost. It's getting pretty late and the sun is going down." Leyla said. She jumped on Summer's saddle and they headed in the direction of home. On the way there, Summer attempted to break the awkward silence that had fallen on the two of them. "Um... soooo, what'd you think of our little trip, Ley?" The water dragon asked, trying to get a conversation going between them. But all Leyla did in response to her friend's question was frown deeply and turn her head away without saying a single word. "Um, Ley? Hello? Are you in there?" Summer called again but only received more silence and an annoyed sigh. "It was fun I guess." She spoke up eventually but only gave the water dragon a simple answer that held little-to-no emotion at all. After that it was silent once more and Summer didn't try to speak, seemingly picking up on something in the girl's tone that suggested she wasn't in the mood for any kind of conversation at the moment. With that thought in mind, the young Fastfin kept her mouth shut and wait patiently waited until her friend was ready and willing to talk. ""I really did enjoy spending the day with you. It was really nice of you to do this just to make me smile." Leyla's voice came out sounding rather tired and soft but her emerald green eyes were brimming with gratitude. "Thanks Sun, I really appreciate it." Summer's face lit up and she smiled brightly at her friend's words. It was silent for a few moments after that until Summer cleared her throat and spoke up to break open the iceberg. "Hey, are you feeling alright, Ley?" The young water dragon asked with a hint of worry lacing her tone as she spoke. "You've been unusually quiet since we left Berry Island and you sound absolutely excused. Have you been having trouble sleeping?" Hearing the concerned edge in Summer's voice interrupted Leyla from her thoughts and she blinked her eyes a few times before quickly shaking her head to clear it and reaching a hand out to to scratch under her dragon's chin. "Huh? Oh! I uh... yeah!, yeah I'm fine. No need to worry, Summer." But Summer had a feeling that Leyla could tell that she didn't believe her. After all, Summer had known her for quite a while now and could easily tell when she was telling the truth and when she was lying. But dispute all that, the young water dragon let it go for now and made up her mind to talk with the girl about it when they get back to the Roost. Leyla didn't say anything else and so nothing more was said about it for the rest of the flight. When they finally arrived back at the Roost, they landed on near-silent feet and quietly entered the sleep cave where the others were already sound asleep. Leyla slowly and carefully climbed the small wooden latter that lead up into the room that she and Dak shared. Before reaching the tp and heading to her room though, Leyla turned back around and whispered a quick but quit "goodnight@" to Summer before pulling herself up and disappearing from view and making her way toward her own room and closing the door quietly behind her as she went along. She stifled a yawn and removed her satchel and scarf from around her neck and waste before slipping her boots off, undoing the braid in her hair, removing her gloves and jacket before all but dashing over to her bed and climbed under the covers. Leyla sighed and nuzzled feather into her blankets as another yawn overtook her and she relaxed considerable. But, before she fully surrendered into the land of dreams, she realized with a bit of another that her skirt was still on but she was too tired to do anything about it and her eyes slipped shut before she could even think to get up and remove the arrival of clothing. 

-l l l l l-

Aggro stretched and yawned. It was morning and everyone was slowly waking up and getting ready for the day. Aggro rubbed her eyes as she patted over to sit beside Summer to ask her how it had gone with Leyla on the way home. "Soooo, how'd it go?" Aggro asked the water dragon. She sighed softly and twitched her tail back-and-forth like a cat. "Not the way I had hoped." She replied with a tired sigh. Aggro frowned and turned to look over at where Leyla was slowly eating her fish while Winger kept giving her worried looks. "Did she talk much?" "No, not really. She kept spacing off and she kept giving me small or vague answers." Summer told her with a worried frown forming on her face. Aggro closed her eyes. She didn't have any ideas. "How can we figure out what's wrong with Leyla if she doesn't talk to us?" "I'm not sure, Sum. But we need to do something about this." "But what can we do?" Summer asked the fire dragon. Aggro frowned and stared down at her feet. "I have absolutely no idea."

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