Coconut Island

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Aggro followed after Winger, Summer, and Skywing as they flew off to an island that the female swiftwing had suggested they go to. Yes, Aggro's plan was to follow them and see what happens. The fire fury followed the others to an island with a bundle of berry bushes and apple trees. The sand was white as snow and the water was a gorgeous sapphire blue. Aggro jumped behind a tree to watch them without being scene. The only one who knew of Aggro's presence here was Summer, and that was because the two girls had come up with the idea that Aggro follow Summer and the other two but stay hidden and out of sight. Aggro watched from in the tree as Summer left to gather some apples for them all to eat. She then watched with sad eyes as Skywing had her paw on Winger's paw, as if they were holding hands. Oh no! What will Summer think when she sees this? Aggro thought sadly to herself as she continued to watch the two dragons. Then a short while later, the young fire fury saw Summer flying back to the others with a bundle of apples in her claws. Then Aggro watched as Summer's face went from happy to sad and on the verge of tears in a matter of seconds. Poor girl! Aggro thought to herself with a sympathetic look forming on her face as she continued to keep a close eye on Summer.

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Summer was flying to Winger's left and Skywing to Winger's right. "Soooo... do either of you have a specific place you want to go?" He asked. "Uh... I might know of a place. Come on, it's not that far from here." Skywing said, leading the way. They landed on the shoreline of a beach witch was surrounded on all sides with berry bushes and apple trees. The sand was pure white and supper soft, the water was a brilliant sapphire blue. "Where do you girls wanna go?" Winger asked both Summer and Skywing. "I have an idea, let's go out onto the sand." Summer said happily. "Or we could go into the forest. There's more shade from the sun in the trees." Said Skywing with a calm tone and a sweet smile on her face. "Ok into the forest it is then." Winger announced. Summer tried not to show her annoyance as we flew into the shade of the trees. "I'm hungry, who's up for some berries or apples?" Winger asked and Summer volunteered to go and get something for the three of them to eat. Summer went to pick apples and when I came back, Hinata had her paw on Winger's paw, as if they were holding hands. That broke Summer's heart. She still flew back to them on the verge of tears. "Thanks Summer." Said Skywing with a bright smile. Summer mumbled a 'your welcome" and did not speak for the rest of the conversation. When they finished eating there apples, they flew back to the roost. "You two go on ahead, I'll catch up with you." Summer told them. Winger and Skywing both nodded and they unfurled their wings once again and left. Summer then turned around and scanned the area for any sign of Aggro. "Aggro? Are you here?" Summer asked. She came out of a nearby bush. "Hay Summer! I did see that. Your conscious must be hurt!" Said Aggro. "It's ok." Summer said. "We should go though." It was their turn, Summer and Aggro unfurled there wings and took flight. "I'm going back into hiding mode." Said Aggro as they approached Winger and Skywing. Winger and Skywing were laughing together and turning in a circle. That hurt Summer even more.

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