Truth or Dare

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Summer got out of the sleep cave and joined Winger and Skywing, who were playing a game of shoot the target. "What if we played truth or dare since Summer's here?" Asked Skywing "We could as long as it's not intense" Preposed Winger "What do you say Summer?" "I agree with you, Winger. As long as it's not intense!" Agreed Summer "I'll start!" Said Skywing "Winger, truth or dare?" "Um, truth" "If you had to save me or Summer, which one of us would you choose? But if you choose Summer, I die and if you choose me, Summer dies!" "Um, is sacrificing myself to save both of you an option?" "No it's not!" Summer knew who Winger would save. It was pretty obvious he would save Skywing. Well, she thought she knew. Winger thought for a minute and said "Sorry Skywing but I would save Summer!" Said Winger. He looked at Summer, who turned bright red. Maybe Winger did love her finally. "Ok Winger it's your turn!" Said Skywing "Summer, truth or dare?" "Um, dare?" Answered Summer. "I dare you to race with me! If I win, I can ask you one thing. If you win, you can ask me one thing! So what do you say?" "I'll take it!" Said Summer. Summer and Winger got to the start point. The race was from the roost to Magnus's house, round trip. Skywing did the referee. "3... 2... 1... GO!" Yelled Skywing. Winger started like a cannon ball. Summer went a little slower. She wanted to keep the rest of her energy for the comeback. Winger reached Magnus's house. As Summer suspected, his energy was lower and he was flying slower. Summer reached Magnus's house and began to fly as fast as she could. Winger was going slower since he had less energy and he thought Summer was far behind. Summer flew past him. He saw that and gave up all his energy for a last sprint. Summer and Winger arrived at the same time. "It's a draw" Yelled Skywing "I guess none of us can ask the other one thing" Stated Winger "That would be fair" Agreed Summer "So it's my turn now! Skywing, truth or dare?" "Truth" Answered Skywing "Do you like Winger?" Summer asked. Winger turned bright red. Skywing blushed a bit. "As a friend, yes" Said Skywing. Friendly enough to kiss him thought Summer but she said "ok" out loud. "How about we play something else?" Suggested Winger who was still a bit red "Yes!" Agreed Summer and Skywing "I suggest volley rock" proposed Winger "Girls against boys!" Summer yelled while running to the volley rock terrain.

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