Slick rushed between her thighs overwhelming her slick-protection panties. Abby smelled her own apple scent flood the hallway, and Killian's Alpha reveled in the smell of it if his groan was anything to go by.

The rush of arousal ignited the desire to run again so she reached down to brace herself on Killian's back, straightened her arms to their full length, and tried to rear up and off his shoulder.


Another tap from Killian that ended in his broad palm flattening against the curve of her ass proved futile so she instead returned his tap with one of her own right on the hard curve filling out the back of his work uniform.

Abby's hand stung before she fully processed what she'd actually done.

She'd hit an Alpha.

Fear spiked her scent covering the scent of her arousal.

She'd hit an Alpha.

Hit. Alpha.


Blinding fear took over her senses, and Abby fought a battle on two fronts. On one side, she flung herself forward, backward, and side to side trying to escape the steely hold of Killian's arms. The tighter he held her, the more she sunk into a well of panic.

The other confrontation came from within herself. The soft voice that had been making itself more and more known to her over the last few days, shrieked at her. At first, too blinded by her fear, Abby couldn't understand what her Omega instincts screamed at her.

Safe. Safe with Alpha.

Her senses overloaded with the dual battle going on inside of her head. When a low rumble she'd heard once before vibrated through his shoulder where it pressed into her torso, she lost the battle with her fear. His purr rolled through her tense body, making her muscles go limp, and she collapsed over his shoulder with a soft whine.

"Be still," his voice was raspy but his purr remained strong and steady against her.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered against the flexing muscles of his back.


"For hitting you. I know better. Omegas never raise a hand to an Alpha," the memorized words from her childhood spilled from her lips without thought, and a tear slid down her cheek to soak into the fabric of shirt.

"Hitting me? Was that what that was?" The humor in his voice cut through the lingering panic, "I'll obviously have to teach you how to really hit someone."

Wait. What?

"What?" She could hear the incredulity in her tone.

"That was about as light a tap as I've ever felt. Butterflies hit harder than that. I'll teach you how to lay someone out properly. Although," she could hear the smirk in his tone and even felt the curve of his lips where they still pressed against her hip, "if you wanted to touch my ass, there's no need to resort to violence."

At his teasing, the dark undertone to his sugary scent dissipated and the tension in his shoulder relaxed. The firm grip on her legs did not ease up, and she swore she felt a feather light touch of his fingers against the curve of her bottom where it met her thighs.

"Shhhh... Omega." His nose nuzzled harder against her hip, and even through the fabric she swore she felt the heat of his breath.

She heard the sound of door opening, and they left the lit hallway for a smaller dimly lit space.

"Another panic nest?" she questioned, turning her head to try and get her bearings.

"Not this time. Conference room."

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