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-It would be more better if you listen to this song while reading:)-

As Michelle and Anntonia searched for their table inside the bar, Anntonia appeared quiet, catching Michelle's attention.

Michelle, being attentive, waited until Anntonia met her gaze.

"Baby," Michelle began, leaning closer to Anntonia and holding her waist

Anntonia turned to look at Michelle, raising an eyebrow and sighing questioningly.

"are you okay?"

"You're so random. I'm okay, Dee," she lied.

The truth was that Anntonia had been overthinking their plans for the evening, especially with Sam being there.

The idea of getting drunk made her uneasy.

"Just checking up on you. Alright, then let's go," Michelle concluded, refocusing on finding their table.

"Oh, there it is" Anntonia pointed to table 11, where Sam was already waiting for them.

"Boo!" Sam shouted, waving her hand at Michelle.

Michelle and Anntonia approached Sam, and Michelle hugged her before speaking.

"About earlier, I'm sorry," Michelle apologized sincerely, her eyes filled with concern, as they broke their embrace.

"Let's forget about that and have fun, alright?" Sam suggested, taking her seat.

"By the way, Anntonia," Michelle introduced Anntonia, holding her waist, "this is Sam."

"I know her, Dee" Sam smiled.

The three women laughed as they ordered drinks and engaged in light conversation. Michelle and Anntonia are more closer to each other than to Sam, as Michelle used this closeness to provide reassurance and keep Anntonia safe.

Of course what would Michelle do, if something bad happen to her girl, especially there is a lot of guys here, and the worse part is, they're all too drunk.

As the night progressed, Michelle and Sam had more drinks, while Anntonia quietly observed the two intoxicated women.

"Baby" Michelle slurred, looking at Anntonia, her voice affected by the alcohol. She didn't seem to care that she called Anntonia "baby" in front of Sam, as she was drunk.

Anntonia found herself staring at Michelle, her eyes widening at the unexpected term of endearment, especially with Sam present.

"Baby," Michelle repeated.

"Why, baby, you're drunk," Anntonia whispered in Michelle's ear.

"I don't care. I want you" Michelle stated without hesitation. And of course, Sam heard it too.

"Don't leave me," Michelle murmured, allowing her head to rest on Anntonia's shoulder.

"I won't," Anntonia assured Michelle, holding her neck-to-cheeks and gently rubbing it.

"I love you," Michelle whispered, a sentiment only audible to Anntonia.

Anntonia paused, momentarily speechless, savoring the sound of Michelle's voice, especially when she expressed those words. She smiled and whispered back, "I love you the most."

On the other side, Sam witnessed the sweetness between the two women and felt a twinge of jealousy.

"Hey, let me go to the restroom," Sam excused herself, unable to sit there and watch Michelle with someone else.

Michelle and Anntonia simply nodded, and Michelle continued to drink more.

"Baby, that's enough," Anntonia spoke, taking the glass of beer from Michelle's hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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