Deal with jealousy

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Michelle turned her head, scanning the room for the woman on the couch, but she couldn't spot anyone.

"Baby?" Michelle called out, searching for any signs of the woman's presence.

Upon hearing Michelle's voice, Anntonia hastily wiped away her tears, ensuring her eyes weren't too swollen, so Michelle wouldn't suspect she had been crying.

"Yes?" Anntonia replied, her voice trembling slightly as she continued to dab her eyes.

"Oh, there you are," Michelle said when she noticed Anntonia on the bed.

"You're all bundled up, darling. Are you feeling cold?" Michelle inquired as she lay down beside Anntonia and turned her gaze towards the empty space.

"No, I'm just feeling a bit drowsy" Anntonia fibbed, her heart racing.

"Let me see your face" Michelle requested, waiting for Anntonia to reveal her face.

Anntonia slowly uncovered her face, her heart pounding rapidly. But she managed to force a smile.

"Hey, your eyes look red. What happened?" Michelle asked, sounding concerned as she gently cupped Anntonia's cheeks and met her gaze.

"Really? I was rubbing them because they were a bit itchy. I didn't expect it to make my eyes red," Anntonia fabricated.

"Why did you rub them, baby? Come on, let me kiss those beautiful eyes" Michelle leaned closer, waiting for Anntonia's consent.

Anntonia leaned in, nodding, and closed her eyes, prepared to feel Michelle's tender lips.
Michelle leaned closer, her lips meeting Anntonia's eyes as she planted gentle kisses on them.

"There, that should help them heal," Michelle smiled and pulled Anntonia into a warm embrace.

"Definitely, they'll feel better soon, because my baby, helped me" Anntonia whispered, feeling a mix of relief and guilt.

The two remained in that position, finding solace in each other's presence. Time seemed to slow down when they were together, and they cherished every moment. They felt safe and comfortable in each other's arms.

Everything in my life is a blessing, but Michelle is my favorite blessing, I don't want to lose her. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. God, I'm begging you, can I have her forever? - Anntonia's thoughts

I love her, I love her so much. I love her even if it means hurting myself, even if it means losing myself over and over. That's how much I love this woman beside me. Please, God, let me have her forever. - Michelle's thoughts

same wishes, same feelings.


What if Anntonia's ex-girlfriend, Celeste, comes back? Would it still be the same? Or...

overthink well, sibs. 😘

As the sun began to set, casting a dim light over the sky, Michelle's phone rang. She motioned for Anntonia to answer it while she stood up and pressed the answer button on her own phone.

"Hey, baboo" Sam's voice came through the phone, filled with excitement.

"Hey, boo! How are you? Is everything okay?" Michelle asked, a smile spreading across her face.

"Everything's great, boo. I just wanted to know what time we're going and where," Sam replied.

"Ah, around 7:30, boo, I can't remember the name, but it's the only bar nearby, close to the hotel," Michelle stated, trying to recall the details.

"Oh yeah, I know the place. Got it," Sam responded.

"Good. Where are you, by the way?" Michelle inquired.

"I'm near the hotel, just trying out some random food," Sam chuckled, turning her phone's camera to show the delicious dishes.

Michelle smiled. "Wow, that looks amazing. You're making me hungry."

Anntonia, avoiding looking or listening to Michelle, had her own thoughts. "Here we go again."

"I have to go, baboo. I'll see you guys later," Sam said, turning the camera back to face her.

"Alright, just be careful out there, okay? There are a lot of guys around," Michelle expressed her concern, pointing towards the guys in the background.

"Boo, stop worrying. I'm independent and can handle myself," Sam disagreed.

"Still, I worry. You need to stay safe," Michelle said, shaking her head.

"Alright, I will. I'll end this call, okay?"

"Okay, see you later, baboo" Michelle waved her hand.

"I love you," Sam said before ending the call.

"Love you, boo," Michelle responded with a smile.

After the call ended, Michelle turned to look at Anntonia.

"Baby, we should start getting ready. It's already 6:00, and we need to be there before 7:30."

"Okay," Anntonia replied, unsure of how to feel at that moment. She was jealous, but she didn't want to act on it and start an argument with Michelle again.

The two women prepared themselves for the evening.

"Should I wear this?" Anntonia asked, holding up a revealing dress.

"No, that's too revealing, baby," Michelle shook her head.

Anntonia pouted and looked at Michelle.
"Nope," Michelle gave Anntonia a firm look.
"Fine, then should I wear this?" Anntonia asked hopefully.

"Okay, that's good," Michelle agreed.

Now that they were both ready, the two women made their way to the car. As usual, Michelle opened the door for her favorite woman and holding her hand to help her step outside. and they headed to the bar near their hotel.

But before going inside, Michelle called Sam.

"Hey, boo, where are you?" Michelle spoke into the phone.

"I'm inside, baboo, waiting for you guys. Table number 11, just ask the staff," Sam informed her.

"Alright, we're already outside, heading in now," Michelle said.

The phone call ended on a positive note.

The two women entered the bar and began searching for Sam.


sorry pabitin, just wanna asked you guys if you're ready sa next chapter? Ay, it would be delayed for sure, hinabol ko lang to.

Don't forget to vote. 😉

Here, if wala akong update here, try to check my tiktok account, if you haven't seen it. "The Universe Has Other Plans" au, on tiktok— @annxvysssx

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