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“I hate you.” I finally say. 

“I love you.” 

“I hate that you lied to me.” I begin to raise my voice.

“I love you.”

“I hate that you pretended to care. I hate that you used me. But most of all, I hate that you pretended to care for me.”

“Hey!” His voice breaks me out of my thoughts. His hands hold either side of my face, making me look up at him. Tears are falling out of my eyes. When I do make eye contact with him, I see tears welling up in his eyes as well.

“I. Love. You. You, Odette Elizabeth Gray, have consumed every ounce of my soul. My heart is so full of you I can hardly call it mine anymore. It's yours. And I never want you to give it back.”

Every time a tear falls out of my eyes, his thumbs quickly wipe them away before they can fall down my cheek, and he does it all without pausing his speech. 

“Im so sorry you had to find everything out like this. I truly have no idea how you are feeling. But I do know I want to help you. I want to be the one to hold you. I want to wipe every stray tear that falls from your beautiful eyes. But more importantly, I want to kill the bastards made you feel this way. You're mine. And no one gets to make you feel this way and get away with it. Especially them."

“You love me?” I managed to get out.

“Yes. I love you. So much more than you will ever know.”


It was the sound of my alarm clock mixed with the gentle lapping of the ocean made for a nice background noise as I sat up in bed. I've been having these strange dreams lately. It's always me with this strange man in a place that could only come from a fairytale. His face is always a distorted blur. Even though I'm always looking right at him. 

I look at my clock to see the time read 5:30. So much for sleeping in today. I thought to myself. I pull back the covers and get out of bed, my bare feet hit the cool floor, sending a shiver throughout my body. The room is a bit to chilly for a summer morning, I look over to see my window is still wide open from last night. I look out to the ocean and see a pod of orcas in the distance. Their black and white bodies contrast against the cool blue color of the water. I smile at them. It's a peaceful moment. Just me, listening to the waves lapping against the beach, looking out into the distance. But I know it won't last long. I hear my dad's bedroom door open and close. I've memorized his routine. He wakes up, throws on the discared shirt laying on the couch from the night before, walks towards the kitchen, an empty beer bottle in his hand, and to the fridge where the rest of the beer awaits him.

Now, he wasn't always like this. He used to be fun. He would take me out on his boat and we would go to the caves several miles out. Him and I would go exploring and look for cool things that would wash up there. One time I found a cool piece in the sand. It was a small, light blue piece of sea glass. When we got back home, my dad turned it into a necklace for me. That is probably my favorite memory with my dad. 

He never drank either. It wasn't until my mom was killed in a car accident that he picked up his first bottle. I was eight. Now, ten years later. I'm stuck in a run down, small beach house with almost no one around us. And it's not some extravagant home either. It's more like Rikki's house from the series H2O:Just add water. That would be the best way to describe it. 

I pull myself from my thoughts and get dressed for the day. I don't have much to do. Just go into town and pick up a couple things for dinner. Oh, and I need to return my marine biology book from the library. I'm hoping to become a marine biologist one day. Like my parents. That's how they met. My mom was visiting the U.S. from the U.K. for a few months to better widen her resources for job opportunities in the future. She was still getting used to driving in America and when she pulled out of a parking lot, she ended up hitting my dad as he was coming out of the grocery store. Let's just say for my mom it was love at first sight and my dad, a trip to the E.R. 

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