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"Are you nervous" The blonde bent down to speak quietly into Chloe's ear.

"A little" She was lying, she was terrified.

The family of five were on their way to Angie's office to finally meet Branson. The entire ride over Halle, blue, and occasionally Chloe would ask questions about him that they would only be able to find out when they got there.

They arrived ten minutes late and bey knew immediately that Angie would be having a fit about it.

"Ang-" the blonde was cut off "You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago" The short woman eyed both adults.

"Relax it was ten minutes you're acting like it was an hour" Jay had tried to get everyone out of the house in a timely manner but as always no one seemed to want to get up.

"It is a big deal, that nine-year-old in my office thinks that you may have changed your mind. Now c'mon"

All six of them walked into the building and into Angie's office however Chloe wouldn't make a move to go in until she felt a tug on her dress.

"You must be Branson, you look just like Halle" The blonde put a hand on his shoulder "I'm Beyoncé, this is Shawn my husband, and our daughter Blue" he looked between the three of them before looking down not saying anything.

"Where are they" Branson mumbled ever so quietly "They're right here baby boy" the blonde spoke in a soft welcoming tone.

The husband and wife stepped to the side to reveal the twins looking at their brother for the first time in four years.

Halle couldn't take it anymore she rushed forward and swallowed her brother in a bear hug.

"Oh I missed you so much pop-in-fresh" She poked his stomach which caused him to reel back and wince.

"Are you ok" he nodded but Halle was still concerned she hoped that he had just fallen too hard but in the back of her mind, she knew it was something more.

"Blessing" the boy's voice was shaky as he called for his big sis.

Chloe didn't respond instead walking forward until she stood a foot in front of him. Chloe wanted to hug him but she hesitated and looked at the white Jordans on her feet.

Her eyes traveled to his feet and she saw blue tattered Converse on his feet, which made her heart ache even more.

Instead of watching his sister beat herself up, he took the initiative to hug her as tight as he possibly could, not wanting to ever let her go.

Chloe hugged him back and Halle joined in. The three siblings found themselves on the floor and crying their eyes out.

The sight made Shawn's throat close as he struggled not to cry and made Bey turn away so as to not be seen crying.

Blue ran up to the three as she wanted to join the hug herself and they allowed her to.

That sight alone let the couple know for sure that they were making the right decision.

"Alright, kiddos I'm going to need to step outside into the kid's waiting area while the adults handle business" Angie pointed to the area, and the four kids made their way that way.

The couple sat down while Angie grabbed some documents and her copy of Branson's file.

"Just like with the girls you two just need to sign a few papers then you're done and you can go home"

The couple looked over the documents and Branson's file. "Will he also need to speak with a detective" The blonde read over his file which showed that he was also likely abused.

Fall From Grace Into Your ArmsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora