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The twins have now been here for the past week. Angela keeps calling to complain about how I'm prolonging the process and how I need to either send them with her or start the process to foster because if I don't the state is going to have to forcefully take them.

Despite having these girls for only a few days I feel the need to keep them close, they feel like mine and I need them here.

"Bey, we need to talk" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Shawn. I could tell this was serious as he only ever calls me Bey when something's wrong. "About...?" I eyed him "About the girls."

My heart started racing, I knew he was going to bring up the fact that the girls were still here despite the fact that they should have been gone a long time ago.

"Shawn I know that they have been here for longer than expected but I don't know how to just send them off like they mean nothing to me. Every time I prepare to make that call my mind travels back to the smiles on their faces and the happiness and love that emanates from them. I feel like the hole that was left in my heart is slowly closing every time I see them and blue. Blue called them her big sisters and I don't think I ever saw anyone's face light up as much as Blue's did when they called her their thing three." I was in tears as I gauged his reaction.

His phone rang so he got up and walked out of the room leaving me stunned.

How could he be upset with how I felt when he was just as happy having the twins around?

I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice Blue and the twins come in until I heard her tiny voice ask me if I was alright.

"I'm fine babybee. Do you girls need anything?" my gaze shifted to Chloe and Halle who seemed to be watching me with suspense.

They looked a bit scared to spit out whatever they wanted to say. "We wanted to know if we could have another movie night" Halle's voice was barely above a whisper.

I was about to answer her when the door creaked open and Shawn walked in talking on the phone with files in his hands.

He looked at Blue and then toward the girls before his gaze finally locked on me.

"I just got off the phone with Angela...she says we need to come in tomorrow or else it will be treated as an attempted kidnapping." I stared at him in disbelief he was acting as if my spilling out my heart to him didn't happen.

I could see in my peripheral line of sight, Halle silently freaking out Chloe, looking dazed and blue confused, watching it all godown.

"That means we're going to have to leave doesn't it" My heart broke as I heard the slight shake in her voice as she tried to stop herself from crying.

"Girls, please give us a minute while we discuss this" Shawn grabbed my hand as we walked out of the room.

I so badly wanted to go back and comfort my girls. "Why are you acting as if how I feel or how the girls feel don't matter" my voice slightly raised as he stood there and silently watched me.

"I'm not ignoring you or them, however, we're going to need to make a decision before Angie loses her job." knowing that he wasn't ignoring me calmed me down just a little bit.

"I can't give them back I just can't" I rested my head on his chest as I tried to hold back tears.

"Angie's started the fostering process." My eyes shot open "She did what" I looked up at him as he explained. "Are you serious" he nodded his head

"She said that we clearly aren't willing to let them go so she made the decision for us and all we need to do is sign a few papers and they are ours to take care of."

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