Chapter 11: Alvin: 100% Sure

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I was pretty impressed at how she reacted so quickly to locking that door. I'd give her a little bit of time before climbing through the window, but I had to cut it off somewhere otherwise it would seem like I'm letting her take over Dave. I couldn't appear like I wanted her to talk to him. I never let anything suspicious slide, and Simon would have totally noticed if I just gave up. I figured that if I just acted like a secret agent going through the halls of the house, Simon would think I looked stupid, but he wouldn't question my motives. It would also slow me down considerably from just running outside.

I did a few little dives and rolls, as well as some intense army crawls. I took a few stops to scan the area every once in a while, and then I dead sprinted out the front door, diving straight into a bush outside. I scanned the area one last time before creeping to the area below Dave's window. I leapt up the wall in two jumps hoping that it was on camera because it was pretty awesome. I grabbed onto Dave's window ledge. When I peeked inside and saw Brittany I freaked out, pretending it was not anything that I expected.

"Brittany! Ah!"

I went a little far on that freak out part and almost fell all the way to the ground! As soon as I regained my grip and pulled myself up to see again, I saw her coming towards the window wearing an alien costume! I freaked out for real instead of just acting because I didn't have a plan if she came to the window I was hiding at. I lost my grip on the windowsill and started falling.


I fell directly into a bush below, which didn't exactly feel great, but I figured it was better than smacking straight into the ground. As soon as I sat up and looked around, I saw Brittany walking back around the side of the house. I wasn't going to lie, the alien costume was really funny, because it was such a perfect idea but I never would have thought of it. I decided I needed to add a little more theatrics into it and show my surprise that she had shown her "true form."

"She is the body snatcher."

I had to go tell Simon to check the footage, because there was no way he wouldn't believe she liked me after this, and I could still pretend like I believed she was an alien through all of it because it wasn't completely irrational after what I just saw. Staying in character, I took a peek around the corner and kept an eye on her. I sprinted inside flailing my arms around as I went to wake Simon up. As I was on my way up there, I thought about it some more and decided it would be better to wait a second before waking him up. If I woke Simon up right away and Dave heard, I could get in huge trouble and I wouldn't even be able to engrave in Simon's mind that she liked me for sure. I figured it would be best to rewatch the footage so I knew what I'm talking about and could point things out to him anyway.

I opened up Simon's lab and went in to check the footage. Every time I opened up his lab it always made me laugh. He really thought he could keep the Great Alvini out? After he had gone to bed one night, I asked him how to program a new password to his lab. He's a sleep talker, and pretty much lets you do anything after he's completely asleep. After a little prompting, he told me the step by step process, and I added a second password to his lab code. I only set it for the upstairs lab though. I didn't know how to get into the one in the basement, because he said the mechanism was slightly different in the basement and I didn't want to mess with it.. The amount of things I could get Simon to agree to after he goes to bed is unbelievable. He thinks he's the smart one, but he's nothing compared to the Great Alvini!

My code was pretty easy to remember. "11222914". To be honest, I was pretty excited to watch this footage to see what Brittany had said to Dave. As I turned on the monitor and started rewatching the video, I was immediately amazed at how realistic Brittany's acting was. She was completely taking it to the next level, and I couldn't tell for a minute that she was faking anything. It would totally be good enough to fool Simon too! I could show him any part of the video and he would immediately figure out that Brittany had a crush on me. I just had to keep my clueless face on, pretend like it was impossible for her to like me, and make sure he knew I didn't like her. The footage was also great at making her seem like an alien, so it would be easy to pretend like that's what I thought was going on. I powered down the monitor and prepared to go wake up Simon, making sure the door to his lab closed quietly. As I got near his bed, I decided to pretend like I came straight to him, so I acted like I always do when I wake him up in the middle of the night: freaked out.

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