I'm always here for you-Chapter 11

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(Okay guys, this is kinda a short chapter. But since I've been gone I wanted to see if I was still decent at writing. Sorry for it)






Izuku grabbed the clock and threw it across the room. Luckily, it didn't break. He yawned, sat up, and had a serious case of bedhead. Yesterday he had a calm Friday at school, so he hoped to have a calm weekend as well, before the week of the festival.

He stood up and the moment he did, there was a knock on his door. "Who is it?" he mumbled but there was no answer. He groaned and walked to the door, clearly annoyed. "I swear to god if Kaminari is on the other side of this door," he whispered before opening the door. "Hey, Midobabe-" Midoriya instantly closed it after seeing who it was. "Why'd you slam the door on me!?" Mina yelled, prying the door open with her hands. "Because whenever you come to my dorm on a weekend you always used to force me to join you and Uraraka's girly sleepovers!" he yelled back. "It's not like you two are dating anymore, why would I come here for that" she sighed before Midoriya opened it again. "Mina... I swear on All Might if you force me to do something insane-" he whispered. "No no! I actually have something normal to say this time" Mina waved her hands frantically. "Let me hear it..." he sighed. "Momo's having a mental breakdown, and everyone's been trying to calm her down but she looks like she wants to kill us all." Mina shivered at the thought.

"Sounds like our Yaomomo." he thought. "Do you know what it's about?" he asked. "She said something about her parents" Mina responded. Izuku knew that it had to be something serious since Momo never talked about her parents. "Alright, let's head down then," he said as Ashido nodded.

As they headed down the stairs, Momo was sitting on one of the stools next to the kitchen. No one bothered to even say a word. It was awfully quiet. By the looks of it, even Bakugo was scared. Izuku walked up behind Momo and slowly hugged her waist. She flinched but when she saw the hands of who did it, she didn't say a word. Everyone was shocked. "What's going on with you Momo?" he whispered. Momo sat there and didn't say a word. Midoriya slightly tilted the girl's chin and his heart tore. Momo was tearing up, and he had no clue why.

"She's crying? What's going on" Kaminari asked, obviously worried for his friend. "Tch, she's just being dramatic. Wasting my weekend for nothing" Bakugo whispered. "What did you say?" Midoriya turned around with a death glare that scared most of the class. "Nothing" Bakugo mumbled. "Next time you fucking say something, make sure to announce it to the whole class you little piece-" Midoriya was interrupted by Iida "Calm down Midoriya. We don't need any fighting." Iida touched his friend's shoulder. The green-haired boy sighed before taking a deep breath. "Momo and I are going to my room" Before Momo could protest, Midoriya had already picked her up, going upstairs.

"Welp, we tried to cheer her up" Mineta shrugged "The only person she ever listens to is Midoriya" Tokoyami added. "Don't you think they should just fuck already?" Uraraka said under her breath "Huh?" Mineta raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like someone's jealous" Jirou smirked. "I'm not jealous, I'm just saying true facts" Uraraka rolled her eyes, but she was obviously jealous. Midoriya had never acted like this when they were together, and the fact that Deku and Momo weren't even together made her even more pissed off. "If they were together I could easily get them to break up. But they're not even dating and doing couple stuff... what am I supposed to do about that" she thought. "Ignore em pink cheeks, we'll make sure those two never talk to each other again. They'll spend their days in agony" Bakugo whispered to Uraraka. She instantly switched back to her easygoing attitude. "Thanks, babe" She smiled and wrapped her arm around Bakugo which made everyone look at them in disgust.

~With Momo and Izuku~

Izuku put Momo down on his bed and sat next to her. "Who did it." he whispered. Momo could clearly hear the anger in his voice. Todoroki would never be angry for her, he never showed her any kind of emotions. It was strange... strange to have someone care for her. "No one did it President. I'm fine" Momo wiped her tears away. "You're not fine? You're crying. Now I know for a fact that those aren't happy tears." Midoriya looked concerned. "Midoriya..." she whispered. It sounded like she was on the verge of breaking down again. It annoyed him since he didn't know who or what did it. "You can tell me anything Momo. Everything you tell me is only for me, I could even help." he grabbed her shoulders and stared at her. His eyes grew soft by the second.

"Izuku-Kun... I'm scared. I-I don't know what to do?" she wrapped her arms around his torso, her tears slowly drenching his shirt. "Calm down, just take a deep breath okay? I'm sure it can be helped" he whispered while rubbing her back. After a few minutes of silence, Momo finally confessed. "My parents are coming to the festival," she mumbled. Izuku was confused, he didn't see the problem with that. "Isn't that a good thing?" he raised an eyebrow. "No you idiot" she mumbled even more into his shirt. "Jeez, sorry" he sighed. "I never see my parents. Plus they criticize everything I do. When they found out that I was the Vice-President they were upset that I couldn't become the President" she whispered. "Is that my fault?" he asked. "Of course not! But it's just the fact that I try my hardest and it's not good enough for them" Momo moved away from him and wiped her face. "I'm sure they're not that bad, maybe you should try talking to them?" he suggested. "I can't. My dad is the owner of the Hero Public Safety Commission. I just found that out today. Plus my mom is a model. They're always so busy" she sighed. "Your dad works for them...? Oh jeez..." Izuku shivered at the thought. If that's true, then Momo definitely will be in hot water if this festival isn't amazing.

"Yeah... but basically my life is over" she smiled, obviously having a panic attack on the inside. "Why don't we just make this the best festival of their lives then?" Midoriya smirked. "Izuku. I genuinely think you can please my parents. They're the most criticizing people ever." Momo looked up at him. "Trust me, I've dealt with stuff like this before. There were... times where I had to use a fake-personality to have people like me. I'm a pro at it" he replied, rethinking his middle school years. Recently, that's been the only thing he could think about. "Well... I'll put my trust in you. Please make sure they like the festival... I'm not sure what they would do if they hate it" Momo whispered. "Of course Momo. Let's let this be the best festival of their lives." he smiled.

Momo stared at the boy and blushed. She knew that she couldn't have him. But she wanted to so bad. Every day she knew that she would come close to ending this relationship with him, but she didn't want that. More than anything.

Chapter 11, END

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