Chapter 3:True self

Start from the beginning

Y/n the start taking random martial arts poses making everyone laught at his sillyness while Yang looked confused but also amused.

Yang:What is he doing?

Y/n then take a stance.

Cinder looked confused but then charge toward Y/n and try to slice him but Y/n jump from the ground using his only foot and the start flapping his arms like a bird and he start flying around

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Cinder looked confused but then charge toward Y/n and try to slice him but Y/n jump from the ground using his only foot and the start flapping his arms like a bird and he start flying around.

Y/n:I am the little birdy bird piou piou!

Cinder:Can you take this seriously?!


Y/n then do a flip and start falling down and do a flying kick toward Cinder but she dodge quickly but Y/n then hammer kick the ground making multiple tile fly up and Y/n kick them toward Cinder but she destroy them using a wall of fire before she see Y/n bouncing past the flames and grab her long sleeve and send her away accidently ripping her sleeve in the process. Y/n look at the sleeve and when he see the wall of fire burning off he see Cinder right arm and he looked suprised whkle everyone else is shocked to see that cinder arms was weird.

 Y/n look at the sleeve and when he see the wall of fire burning off he see Cinder right arm and he looked suprised whkle everyone else is shocked to see that cinder arms was weird

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Cinder see everyone starting to get scared of her and her arm and when she look at Y/n he dosen't seem scared. Je seemed more fascinated and have stars in his eyes.

Y/n:Woahhhh! SO COOL!!!

Y/n run toward Cinder as she take a few steo back in fear but then when Y/n touch the seperated part of her forearm he giggle.

Y/n:It's like skeleton hehe.

Cinder looked confused as she feel her heart beating deeper.

Cinder:I...What? Your not scared or something?

Y/n:Why would i be? It's a super awsome arm! Can he do stuff?!

Cinder:Hum well...

Her heart beat faster as she feel her face blushing deep red.

Cinder:I-I can stretch it.

Y/n eyes grew wide with excitation.

Y/n:For real?! I wanna see!!!

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