Chapter 2

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Sana's pov
As doctor said, till yesterday his condition was stable till yesterday so today Manish is getting discharged from hospital. His all friends are here to help me. Satvik has gone to pay the hospital bill, Rohan and Dinesh are packing his bag and I am in doctors cabin talking about medicine prescription.
When I returned to the room, everything was done. Manish and his friends are discussing something. He was wearing T-shirt and cargo half pant, which rohan brought today morning from home.

After reaching home, his friends took Manish to his room carefully and made him lie down on the bed. Father and mother also came into the room. Amma started crying as soon as she saw him and then hugged him to her chest. Abbu also had tears in his eyes. pov ends After some time, Raju uncle entered the room with a big tray in his hand which contained breakfast and tea for everyone. Uncle lovingly caressed Manish's head and inquired about his health. Sahiba served tea and breakfast to everyone.
After some time his friends left one by one for their respective homes. Sana gave Manish his medicines and herself left for her room to have her medicines also and sleep for some time as she was feeling tiredness due to of her 6 month pregnancy period.

Sana's pov
It has been more than a month since Manish returned from hospital and during this period he fully recovered and also started going office, but only when, when there was any business meeting and other days he was working from home. His business was running very much in loss, previously due to his negligence and later his illness. Abbu had alone returned to Delhi a week ago as his leaves were finished, leaving me and ammi here to look after Manish. We both were also planning to return in few days but before that I very much needed to talk to him about his bad habits which I decided to talk to him today itself. It was evening. When I reached to his room, his door was opened ajar and smell of something burning was coming from it. I immediately understood that which smell it is.I felt very angry and immediately entered the room. I found him talking to an employee on speaker phone, he was doing something on laptop by one hand and in other hand there was a cigerette which he immediately extinguished in ash tray out of fear, when he saw me. I introduced myself to that employee and asked him to call after some time. As soon as he cut the call, I slapped Manish very hard on his cheeks. I asked him by shouting angrily, What the hell were you doing. It's just a month ago, you was seriously ill and admitted to hospital only because of these bad habits and again he started smoking. Manish didn't say anything thing, he just kept laptop aside, poured water in a glass from bedside table and gave to me to calm down. I looked at him in surprise and emptied the glass in one go. Manish signalled me to comfortably sit on bed taking support of bed head. I also did so because due to pregnancy, I too was feeling very tired while standing.

Manish asked me to continue to which I directly asked that why does he smoke and drink and since when he started these bad habits and strictly asked him not to hide anything from me.

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Manish pov

Manish said now whatever I am going to tell, may of offend you perhaps you will also hit me.
On the day when you got married, I smoked for the first time which didn't relieve me, I smoked few more but no use so I consumed alcohol in a bar. Maybe I couldn't tolerate your being someone else. Sana got surprised and asked what do you mean by couldn't tolerate my being someone else? He didn't reply and continued telling. That night I slept at one of my friend's home so that uncle and aunty didn't come to know about his drinking. even after returning Mumbai, I continued smoking and drinking but in limit because he just started business and didn't want to loose it.
When uncle gave me the news of your husband's demise and when I saw you at your in-laws' house in a devastated state and your face with full of sorrow and pain, I was heartbroken. When uncle, when you and I were going to Delhi from your in-laws' house, taking you forever, and on the way, when you fainted and we got the news of your pregnancy, I was happy but when I went to sleep at night, I felt sad for you. Your devastated sate and face full of sorrow and pain started flashing before my eyes and in my mind. I was worried about you and your future child and smoked continuously whole night. Next day, knowingly I returned here by making some business related excuses but the main reason was that I was not able to see your devastated state and painful and sorrowful face. But even after coming here it continued. I was not able to sleep multiple nights. Due to which in the office, I was not able to concentrate on my business deals and major clients and loosing interest in business due to which I lost many of my important clients and deals and I started suffering losses in business due to which I started smoking and drinking more. After that I suffered from all this.

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Sana had tears in her eyes listening all this but she wiped them by her both palms and with boldly asked manish does he love her? Manish was taken aback by Sana's sudden question but still gathered courage and lied that he does not know.
Both were unaware that in the next room Sahiba had heard all their conversation because the balcony of her and Manish's room was common and the doors of both the balconies were open. She had happy tears in eyes. Although at first she got angry when she came to know about Manish's bad habits but when she knew reason behind that she had mixed emotions. Thinking of Manish's innocence in his mind that he loves Sana and he doesn't even know, a smile appeared on her face. She thought, if she and her husband had married Sana to Manish earlier both didn't suffer so much. She dialled her husband's number and as soon as he picked up the phone, she told him what she had heard. Her husband was shocked after hearing the whole matter and started crying. When Sahiba shushed him, he said what a crazy boy he is. He is in love with Sana and she doesn't even know. He asked Sahiba to go and explain to Manish that whatever feeling he has for Sana, is called love. If both agree, then we will get both of them married immediately after Sana's delivery.

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