Chapter 5

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note: the plot might not be organised, new characters popping out of nowhere but the more you follow the story the less you'll be confused

no warnings but it's a really short chapter :)

Several days had passed since the late-night discussion over dinner. The moment in the visiting room with his father reminded him that he had promised his aunt the week before that he would come and visit her in Canada. He was sitting on his chair, in front of his desk, staring at the pictures on his wall. His phone is against his ear, hearing the beeps. He couldn't help but smile widely while looking at that one picture with Andrew when they were in high school until he heard a "hello?" from the familiar voice with an east European accent that brings him out of his deep thoughts.

"Hey, Alina! How's everything going?" Tyler greeted warmly, his voice filled with happiness upon hearing her.

"Hi, Tyler! I miss you both. How's everyone doing?" Alina's voice held a tinge of longing.

"We're doing alright, thanks for asking. What about you and the kids? How have you been holding up?" Tyler inquired, in the background catching the faint sounds of his cousins.

"It's been a little challenging, but the kids are doing well. Actually, I have some good news," Alina replied with a hint of excitement. "I won't have to work for a week soon, so I was thinking, maybe we could arrange for you and Diane to come up to Canada for a visit? It would be great for us to have some time together, and also the kids have been asking about you both a lot lately."

"That would be awesome, Alina! Thanks for thinking of us. We'd love to visit. When were you thinking of?" Tyler's enthusiasm was palpable.

"How about around the middle of next month? That should give me enough time to prepare and also allow me to have some quality time with you all before I head back to work. And don't worry about Diane. We've discussed it, and she's agreed to take a leave or a weekend off when you're here, so you can have some time together without feeling like you're neglecting her," Alina suggested reassuringly.

"Of course, Tyler. You and Diane are an important part of our lives, and I want you both to be a part of the kids' lives too. Also, just for your information, the kids have been asking about you both a lot, so I think they'd be excited to have you here," Alina expressed tenderly.

"That's really sweet of them. I can't wait to see them again. And if Diane's not up for it, don't worry. I can always come and visit without her. She told me that she could come in a few weeks a weekend," Tyler assured.

"I know, Tyler. She told me this morning. And if it makes things easier, feel free to come without her. She won't be offended or anything. She will understand," Alina responded understandingly.

"That would be great, Alina. Thanks for your understanding," Tyler appreciated her consideration.

"Just make sure to give us enough notice, so I can make sure everything is taken care of on my end," Alina requested.

"Absolutely. I'll keep you updated," Tyler promised.

"I'm looking forward to it already!" Alina exclaimed eagerly.

"Me too, Alina. It's been too long since we've seen each other," Tyler agreed.

"Trust me, Tyler. It's been way too long. Let's make sure to catch up on everything when you're here," Alina suggested warmly.

"Definitely. I can't wait. Talk to you soon!" Tyler concluded.

"Bye, Tyler. Take care! Say hi to your mom for me. I love you," Alina bid farewell affectionately,

"Love you too," Tyler reciprocated warmly.

Tyler ended his call with Alina, a radiant smile lingering on his face. Stepping out of his bedroom, he discovered Diane in the living room, engrossed in play with the stray cat she had rescued from the streets two days prior. "Hey, Diane. Just got off the phone with Alina. I might be heading to Canada next month. Any chance you could take some time off at the same time as her?" he inquired, settling down on the couch beside them. Diane glanced up, intrigued. "I'm not sure. I'll need to synchronize my days off with hers," she replied, gently stroking the cat's head. Tyler couldn't resist the charm of the fluffy ball of fur. The little gray cat seemed to have found a home, a place of safety. His hand instinctively reached out to stroke their newest family member. "Have you thought of any names yet for this little one?" he asked his sister. "Not yet," she said, cradling the cat in her arms like a baby, "but look at this sweetie. I've never seen a cat as adorable as this one."

Tyler nodded in agreement with Diane's sentiments about the adorable cat. As Diane gently released the cat from her arms, she turned to Tyler with a thoughtful expression. Tyler inquired, "Hey, Diane, what did the therapist mention about me?" Diane looked at him with a warm smile. "She was asking how you've been keeping up with life," she replied. "Also, she knows you want to start university next year and that you might consider working until the next school entrance in September." This conversation shows that Diane is keeping Tyler's aspirations and well-being in mind, indicating a close and caring relationship between the two.

Diane's concern for Tyler's well-being is touching. She encouraged him by saying, "If you need to go, at least before going back to school or work, you should. You've got her number and her location." This shows a caring and supportive gesture, indicating that Tyler has access to the therapist's contact information if he feels the need to reach out for help.

Tyler responded with a grateful "Thank you, I'll consider it." Diane, acknowledging his response, added, "Alright, no problem. You ready to drop me and mom off at work?" to which Tyler agreed by saying "Sure." As they prepared to leave, he called out, "Mom, we are ready!" indicating their readiness to depart.

Later that day, as he drove back from dropping his mother and sister at the lab, Tyler found himself immersed in deep contemplation. The thought of reaching out to his previous therapist tugged at his mind, stirring up a mix of emotions and contemplations. He recognized that reconnecting with his therapist would signify a crucial step towards taking control of his life, making important decisions, and seeking the support he craved. The prospect of addressing his emotional well-being and seeking guidance on pivotal life choices weighed heavily on him, rendering his thoughts turbulent and introspective.

Moreover, amid this introspection, the recent job offer at the newly opened coffee shop lingered in his mind. The idea of a fresh start and the potential for a new professional environment enticed him. It sparked a series of considerations about the impact it could have on his social life, the prospect of encountering new acquaintances and potential friends, and the chance to break away from the stagnation that had colored his daily existence for so long. The allure of saving money for school and striving for financial independence further fueled his desire. He yearned to escape the familiarities of his current phase and embark on a journey of personal and professional growth, alongside embracing the opportunity to restore his faith in others and rebuild his trust in the world around him. The weight of these considerations lay heavy on his shoulders, urging him to confront the challenges and aspirations that tugged at his heart. 

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