Chapter 3

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note: I am making myself frustrated with this chapter... anyways, let me know what you think about it

warning: courtroom? (some people might experience how frustrating it is)

The courtroom was hushed as Tyler, his sister Diane, and their mom took their seats alongside their lawyer. The air was thick with tension as they prepared to confront one of the men responsible for the nightmare that had haunted their lives.

Their lawyer leaned in and whispered reassuringly, "We've got a strong case. Just stay calm, and we'll get through this."

As the trial kicked off, the family's eyes met the driver, who sat with an air of false innocence. The memories of that fateful day rushed back, and Tyler couldn't shake the fear that gripped him.

The lawyer stood, addressing the court, "Your Honor, the trauma this family has endured is immeasurable. We are here seeking justice for the pain inflicted upon them."

The driver's gaze shifted nervously as the family took the stand one by one.

As the driver spun his web of deceit on the witness stand, Tyler's frustration bubbled beneath the surface. The carefully constructed veneer of composure cracked, revealing an undercurrent of rage inside of him. Unable to contain himself any longer, Tyler slammed his fist on the back of the wooden bench.

Then came the driver's turn. He began, "Your Honor, I was misled. Tom told me it was a simple favor, and I had no idea it involved harm to the children. I never would have agreed if I knew."

Diane couldn't suppress a skeptical scoff then murmurs to herself. "He expects us to believe that? He knew exactly what he was doing."

The driver smirked subtly, a sly confidence in his eyes. "I assure you, I was a pawn in Tom's twisted game. He manipulated me just like he did his own family."

Diane shot this time, "You conveniently forget to mention your history with Tom. You two met in prison, where he was serving time for abusing his wife and kids. Your alliance isn't as innocent as you want everyone to believe."

"Diane, we need to let the lawyer handle this." Carmen was as desperate and enraged as her children.

The driver's smirk widened, aware that the truth was his advantage. "I've paid my dues for past mistakes. This was not my doing. Tom played me."

The courtroom buzzed with tension as the conflicting narratives unfolded. Diane locked eyes with the driver, recognizing the malicious satisfaction in his expression.

As the trial continued, Tyler struggled to contain his anger, a seething frustration simmering beneath the surface. The courtroom, now on edge, bore witness to a family torn between seeking justice and battling the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume them.

In a final blow, the judge rendered a verdict that fell short of true justice. The driver would face some fees and damages, a resolution that left the family feeling betrayed by a system unable to fully comprehend the depth of their suffering.

As they emerged from the courtroom, the heavy air of disappointment clung to them like an invisible shroud. Tyler, Diane, and Carmen exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of frustration and anger. In the distance, Andrew stood waiting, having received permission from Tyler to join them.

Andrew approached with a keen awareness of the situation. He could immediately sense the disappointment in their eyes. With a heavy heart, he acknowledged the gravity of the moment. "I'm sorry, guys. It didn't work out the way you wanted," he said, his voice tinged with regret.

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