Chapter 48 - Luna Rose

Start from the beginning

Atlas exits the cabin, holding their pup securely. Lily has bestowed the name Xavier on the pup, she did not divulge why, but he sensed the name has some meaning to her. He approaches the fire pit where all the wolves are gathered. They have arranged fallen logs around the fire pit, where they are sitting, playing guitars, and singing. More and more Redwood wolves have descended on Bob's land, which is now officially known as Pine Lake Pack. Word has spread that a baby has been born. The first pup to be born in their region within five years. They have taken ATVs, quad bikes, dirt bikes and some have even shifted and run here in wolf form. There are large coolers with beers and wine, and meat is being barbequed nearby. The she-wolves have prepared other dishes, and they are setting up fold out picnic tables. It has become an impromptu celebration. Even Uncle Bob is sitting amongst them, they have brought out his wheelchair for him to sit on. He doesn't really need it anymore, but it's handy to use in situations like this.

As Atlas approaches a silence falls upon the gathering, everyone stills and stops what they are doing. He brings Xavier to Uncle Bob first for inspection, as a sign of respect. Holding the baby out to Bob, the old man leans in and inhales deeply, scenting the newborn. He doesn't touch the infant, all the wolves know not to touch, not yet anyway. Rose will decide when and who will be allowed to hold the baby, until then they are permitted to scent and view only. Next is Alpha Knox, who does that same as Uncle Bob, but he stares intently at the infant for a very long time, he has a slightly furrowed brow. Finally, he pats Atlas on the back, signalling he can move on, but Atlas notices his uncle looks deep in thought. He approaches Jin, who nods at him to keep moving. He helped deliver the pup and already held him for quite some time, Rose has already bestowed him full cuddling rights, and he will certainly be using them after all the Redwood wolves have departed. For now, he is happy for the other wolves to have their turn to view Xavier.

Circling the fire pit, he allows the other wolves to approach. Atlas notices them baring their necks to him in submission, whispers of "Alpha Atlas" can be heard, some lightly touching his leg in reverence as he passes. There is a new aura about him, he is no longer a Redwood warrior, he is now an Alpha with his own pack, a Luna, and an infant pup. Pine Lake pack may be small, with very little resources, but they are far richer than most packs in what counts to wolves. Pine Lake pack can boast a fertile Luna who has just given birth to a future Alpha, sadly not many packs can proclaim that anymore.


Lily wakes with sore breasts, they're full of colostrum for the newborn pup. She sits up and her blanket falls off her, she is naked except for the Luna medallion she is still wearing, and the maternity underwear the midwife gave her. She was bleeding a lot, but being a werewolf, she is healing quickly. She slips the medal off and looks at it, she has a vague memory of clutching the Luna medallion during the birth. With one hand she held tight to Atlas and with the other she clutched the medal, trying to draw strength from both sources. She doesn't know if it was her imagination, but she felt strength coming to her through the pendant, like all the Lunas that came before were bestowing their blessings, urging her to find the strength to birth the massive blue blood alpha pup. Standing on slightly wobbly legs, she carefully places the necklace back in the velvet pouch and tucks it away in her drawer. She looks over at the beautiful hand-crafted wooden rocking cradle Uncle Bob made her, it's empty. She's not worried, she can feel the bond with Xavier, and knows he is happy and safe, he must be with Atlas. She puts on her robe and ugg boots and makes her way downstairs. The first thing she notices is the cabin lounge is full of flowers and presents, they fill up the entire room. Where did they all come from? She wants to stop and look at them, but she feels the pull to her baby.

Walking towards the fire pit, she is stunned to see so many wolves gathered. Why are they all here? Atlas looks up, he is holding Xavier, and smiles at her. As she approaches, the wolves start bowing down to her, baring their necks to her. She can hear whispers of "it's Luna Rose...that's her...isn't she beautiful". Atlas walks up to her "we brought the rocking chair out for you, come sit next to Uncle Bob" says Atlas as he leads her to where Uncle bob is seated in his wheelchair, next to him is Blanches rocking chair. Lily takes a seat, and Atlas carefully passes her Xavier. The pup stirs in her arms, he can smell the milk leaking from her breasts, and he lets out a little newborn cry. Lily undoes her robe slightly and exposes a breast for him to feed from, the hungry little thing instantly latches on and starts suckling at her nipple. She smiles down on him and begins to sing a lullaby, as she rocks back and forth on the rocking chair:

"Hush, little baby don't say a word
Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird

And if that mocking bird don't sing
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring

And if that diamond ring is brass
Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass

And if that looking glass gets broke
Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat

And if that billy goat don't pull
Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull

And if that cart and bull turn over
Papa's gonna buy you a dog called Rover

And if that dog called Rover don't bark
Papa's gonna buy you a horse and cart

And if that horse and cart turn round
You'll still be the sweetest little babe in town"

As Lily stops singing, she realizes there is not a sound around her, she gazes up and notices every wolf gathered is silently staring at her in awe. Some of the she-wolves have crawled towards her and are sitting on the ground at her feet, they are shyly reaching out and touching her robe and ugg boots, some of the wolves are even crying. She looks over at Uncle Bob, Atlas and Jin, who are all beaming with pride. Overnight Lily has unknowingly usurped her Aunt Sophie, as the most revered Luna in the werewolf community. She realises in that moment how important Xavier is, he's not just a newborn pup to them. Xavier represents hope for the future of the entire werewolf species. If Atlas and Rose can birth a pup, in the face of such adversity as rejection and death of a mate, then there is hope for them all. In this moment, she is Lily no more, she has become Luna Rose, mate of Alpha Atlas, mother of Xavier the future Alpha of Pine Lake Pack. Xavier has changed their world forever.

Baby Xavier has arrived!  Thank you to all the readers who have left comments, I love reading them.  If you like the story please follow me, vote, and comment – I really appreciate your support :)

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