Ozpin: And the same can be said for you, Glynda. Even if you tell James and shown him the Footage, he won't follow with your request and will no doubt ask Jaune for assistance. We are fighting an Enemy that is more powerful than us, Glynda. What you are doing is petty and unbecoming of a Huntress. It only shows how fragile your ego is.

Hearing what was said, Mason could only scoff and takes his leave in the Elevator. While Goodwitch stays silent, but gives in to what Ozpin said.

Goodwitch: Fine, but if this goes wrong, Ozpin. It's on you.

Ozpin nods, now turning his attention to the Arcs.

Ozpin: I take it you plan on sending those among the Arcs that supported Jaune to Mistral?

Makarov: Yes, we are. We will send Jade and Cerberus to find Jaune, hopefully propose the alliance we wish to create with him. Don't worry, Ozpin. These are the people that supported Jaune during this whole ordeal, he will trust us. 

Goodwitch: Don't you believe that this is a bad idea? Knowing your Clan disowned and exiled Jaune from the Family?

Jade: No, it is not. Mason and those that are allied with him are nothing but foolish. Making Jaune an Enemy is idiotic, knowing what kind of Enemies WE are already dealing with. Mason just doesn't want to to be wrong by the fact that someone he once believe to be weak, is actually strong.

Goodwitch: Then why was Jaune weak in Beacon?! If he was already strong, why was he weak when he attended this Academy?!

Belze: Because the Elders will see him as nothing but a Dog that will do their bidding, and Jaune is not one on following their orders.

Jade: My Uncle is right, the Elders tasked their Contacts and I to look for Jaune. I was able to contact Jaune to inform him to act weak in front of the Arc Clan's Contacts or at the Drone Cameras. Because the minute the Elders see Jaune's true power, they will only see him as a Weapon, only caring for him because he is strong.

Makarov: And it truly shows that the Elders never cared for us, only wanting power and people that will ensure the Clan stays in power or they stay in power.

Belze: Indeed, they are nothing but corrupt and we plan to get rid of them someday. We just have to wait for the right time to do so.

Ozpin hums, now understanding a lot of details about Jaune. It seems there was a lot more going on here than what he realized. But the more important part of this is they have a way to contact Jaune without the problem of his Tormentors provoking him.

Ozpin: Then it is settled, we'll contact Jaune and schedule a meeting regarding this alliance we wish to build with him. Hopefully, he will agree to it.

Belze: He will, Ozpin. He will.

Ozpin: And as for you, Glynda. I will be the one to contact James regarding this matter. I know you will contact him the minute we leave this Office, so I will be the one to talk to him, and you will not interfere once this Call starts. Do I make myself clear? 

He looks to Goodwitch who can only scowl, she'll convince Ironwood one way or another.

Ozpin: And speaking of Jaune, where is he now?

Jade: According to my reports from the Drones, he's still in Mistral.

Mistral: Mistral Council Chambers

In the Council Chambers of the Mistral Council, we can see Jaune in the middle, as he looks upon the 4 Council Members of the Mistral Council. There, he is joined by another Individual, he is described to be a Man with auburn hair and a beard, along with gray-blue eyes. He is seen wearing Jedi Robes and has Clone Armor located on his Arms. This Man here is Obi-Wan Kenobi.

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