[Special Chapter: When Worlds Collide I]

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A/N: it has been an idea that I've been wanting to write for a while, it's a what if scenario when the original timelines meets with the Aeon timeline of Arknights, a short break before we will jump to the second part of the arc as I'll be concluding the prologue after I'm done getting some ideas, so I hope you will all like it.

Classified Log XXXX: The Ruskan Incident, The Confirmation of Parallel Worlds.

We've never expected what was going to happen after we had been sent to the Ruskan, however what transpired their forever change our understanding of the cosmos.

We are not alone that much was true as soon as we discovered the Aeons, beings of higher dimensions beyond our reality, but we had simply thought they lived at a higher floor compared to us.

Boy, we were wrong, what we uncovered there forever changes our universe as we know it, confirming many theories that had been regarded to be likely true but is lacking in support due to issues or reasons that lacked the chance to have it proven.

The Ruskan Incident as would be later known was supposed to be just some normal phenomenal investigation but what happened there was anything but normal.

Most if us nearly had gone in a state of panic not because of what we found but of the issue it caused as soon as we had made our investigation.

Headed by Dr. Kal'tsit of Rhodes Island, an Emanator of the Trailblazer along with a fellow Emanator who she called in for assistance went to study the anomaly.

Unfortunately that was where all of the complications had begun, the Anomaly a tear in time-space which causes a strange amount of distortion to the area around it in various odd ways.

Not the first time but what made this all the more important was only because of the Two Emanator who had addressed the investigation to be important, I don't know much why at first.

But what would then happen later would enlighten us as to why it had attracted the attention of two Emanators, just as I had said before this is where the complications began to start.

During a closer study of the anomaly by Dr. Kal'tsit and the Senator, yes the other Emanator was a Senator a high one at that with many titles he earned and well deserved as I would like to add because seriously the man's either a genius or an outright anomaly of his own.

Anyway what happened during the close encounter with the anomaly lead to the unexpected result of the Senator being pulled into it, sending him to who knows where.

It gave us the fright when this happened and that damn *Censored* Kal'tsit just look as if she wasn't scared or surprised, I swear those two had expected it to happen and forgot to give us a heads up.

So while we were all panicking at what's happening and trying to make sure that Marshall Theresis or much less his sister, Empress Theresa doesn't try to kill for risking one of our most important Senator and Emanator died because of getting sucked into that damn portal.

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