The present.

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Hey. Time to wake up.
I sit up on the bed and rub my eyes and open them the person in front of me has blondish-tan hair with brown eyes with a scar on his cheek and a beard that matches his hair. This person is important to me because he is my dad and I care for him a lot.I don't know who my mom is she died when I was born. And I look nothing like my dad while he has blonde-tan hair I have black hair
Were you having that dream again??? Once I wake up I answer his questions.
I was dreaming of a girl...
Yon have described her to me before.
I don't think I've ever met anyone like that.
In any case, just put that out of your mind for now.
The battlefield is no place for idle thoughts.
Risking your life is part of the job for mercenaries like us. Letting your mind wander is a sure way to get yourself killed. Ok time to get moving. are next job is in the kingdom.
I told you before. It is far from here, so we'll need to leave at dawn.
Of course.
Hm? Good grief. Everyone is already waiting for us outside. Just then one of our men came in from outside to let us know that something was wrong.
Jeralt! Sir! Sorry to barge in, but your presence is needed. What's happened???
Outside.  When we walk out standing there is two boys and a girl about my age. The first boy is blonde and has with blue eyes. The second boy has brown hair almost black with green eyes. The girl has blonde hair that is almost white with purple eyes.
Boy number 1:Please forgive our intrusion. We wouldn't bother you  were the situation not dire. My dad asks : What do a bunch of kids like you want at this hour??? boy 1:We are being pursued by a group of bandits. I can only hope that you will be so kind as to lend your support. My dad :Bandits??? Here??? The girl then says : It is true. They attacked us while we were at rest in our camp.
Boy 2 : we have been separated from our companions and we're outnumbered. They're after our lives... not to mention our gold.
I'm impressed you're staying so calm considering the situation. I... wait. That uniform...
A mercenary walks up and gives a report. (Bandits spotted just outside the village! Damn... there are a lot of them.) I guess they followed you all the way here we can't abandon this village now. Come on, let's move. I hope you are ready. I nod my head to let him know I am ready.

So we go outside the village ready to defend it and the villagers who are fast asleep with out a care in the world. Who will be waking up soon.
Soon one of the bandits attack and we defeat one but there was still more and they attacked in small groups together.

Damn why is there mercenaries in the village?
Guess we'll have to deal with them too.
Is what we heard from who we guess is the leader of the bandits. Soon we where standing in front of the leader of the bandits and he had dodged are first attack but he fell over on to his back but before we could do anything he had jumped back up to his feet and so he charged and the one standing in front of him it was the girl and she stood ready to kill him but before he could get to her I ran to the girl and pushed her down out of the way and covered her with my body with my back to the bandit leader who charged then everything froze. Next thing I know I am in front of the throne again with the little girl on it and she looks mad and she starts to scold me.

What are you doing??? Are you trying to get me killed you fool!!! She sighs well it's fine. After all, if you don't know the value of your own life, you're not going to protect it very well, are you???
Of course not. She then stands up laughing and clasps her hands together.
Well, then. I guess it's up to me to guide you from now on. Right?
You can call me Sothis... but I am also known as
"the beginning "
Hmm... Sothis... Yes, that is it. My name is Sothis.
And I am also called... The beginning.
But who once called me that?

Sothis? I asked
I was not able to recall my name... until just now.
And just like that it came to me. How odd. That look on your face... did you think me a child? A mere child who forgot her own name?!
Phooey! That "child " just saved your life!
And what does that make you?
Am less than a child?
Yes. Correct! You understand. You threw yourself before an axe to save just one young girl.
Yet all is well, as I have stalled the flow of time for now. You would have died had I not intervened.
Thank you. I say as I place my hand over my chest and bowed.
There now. is gratitude so much to ask?
I did deem you worthy of saving, after all.
Though it is only momentary, time has stopped. However did i manage that...

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