Chapter 2

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“Aizawa Shouta, The Court of Owls has sentenced you to die.”

The words were said and before he processed them, the kid lunged at him with blinding speed, his talons gleaming in the moonlight. 

In that instant, he instinctively raised his arms to protect himself from the imminent attack. 

“Kid!” He yelled, not wanting to fight him, but the kid's talons slashed through the air, aiming to cut through Aizawa's body. Eraserhead managed to dodge the lethal attack just in time.   

What the fuck was that? — Aizawa thought. His heart was pounding so rapidly in his chest. 

The moonlight seemed to dance off the sharp edges of Talon's gleaming claws, Aizawa would surely avoid being injured by these. 

He tried to think about the kid's quirk, maybe it was speed? — he couldn't pinpoint the kid's quirk. 

As the kid's weapons slashed through the air, Aizawa quickly stepped to the side, narrowly avoiding the deadly strike. 

He called for his quirk, but nothing changed in the kid, he was still fighting and Aizawa knew that he couldn't rely on his Quirk to save him this time. So, Aizawa had to adapt and rely on his wits and his own physical abilities.

Aizawa decided to use his expertise in hand-to-hand combat to his advantage. He knew that he had to disarm the kid before he could do any damage because Aizawa could only read one intent from the kid's actions — murder. With a swift kick, Aizawa aimed to knock the kid's legs out from under him, hoping to throw him off balance and create an opportunity to disarm him.

The kick connected with the kid's legs, and he stumbled backwards, momentarily off-balance. Seizing the chance, Aizawa moved in closer, trying to grab the kid's wrist to prevent him from using his weapon. 

However, the kid was not one to be underestimated. He quickly recovered from the kick and countered Aizawa's attempt by twisting his body, trying to slash Aizawa with his weapons. Aizawa, now fully aware of the danger, had to act fast.

As the kid lunged at Aizawa with his weapons, Aizawa knew that he had to act quickly to prevent any further harm. He readied his capture weapon. 

Aizawa swiftly wrapped the capture weapon around the kid. The kid struggled fiercely, trying to break free from the restraint. Aizawa could feel the strength in the young boy's attempts, but he held firm, not wanting to let go of the capture weapon.

How this kid doesn't have any quirk? 

Aizawa then used his hand-to-hand combat skills to subdue the struggling kid. He managed to pin the boy down, ensuring that he couldn't move or use anything to attack.

“Who sent you?” Aizawa growled, trying to keep the kid away from breaking free. 

“Aizawa Shouta, The Court of Owls has sentenced you to die.” the words were whispered by the kid and Aizawa could dedicate a hint of fear in the kid's voice. 

“Who are the Court of Owls?" Aizawa asked, his voice firm. He needed to know who was behind this attempt on his life and what the Court of Owls wanted.

There was something nagging in his mind. An old rhythm, but he couldn't remember anything — 

But the kid remained silent. He cocked his head slightly to the right as if he was regarding Aizawa and stopped struggling. 

Aizawa, sensing the change in the kid's behaviour, decided to be cautious and loosened his grip on the capture weapon slightly. He wanted to give the kid a chance to speak without causing any further harm.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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