Chapter 1

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Aizawa woke up to the faint rays of sunlight streaming in through the half-closed blinds, casting a warm glow across his small dorm at U.A. He let out a quiet sigh and allowed himself a few moments to linger in the comfort of his bed. 

He groaned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, to get the sleep out of them. 

As he rose from the bed, Aizawa couldn't help but stretch out the kinks in his muscles, feeling the satisfying release of tension that had accumulated from a night of restless sleep. He meandered into the bathroom, the cold tiles sending a shiver down his spine. 

He tugged off his clothes before stiffly stepping in to take his shower. He couldn't suppress a sigh as the stream of water hit him, but soon he felt himself relax and he shuddered, tipping his head back as his eyes fluttered close. 

He let the shower envelop him, wrapping him in a warm embrace, washing away the tension and stress of the previous day. The familiar scent of his soap filled the steamy air, and he took a deep breath, letting it soothe his senses. As the water cascaded over him, he let his mind drift, allowing himself to be lost in the moment. For a brief moment, he let go of all his worries and simply existed in the present. The sound of the water pounding against his skin was almost hypnotic, and he found himself feeling lighter, more at ease than he had in a long time. 

After he was done, Aizawa quickly dried himself off and threw on his usual black uniform. He combed through his unruly hair and brushed his teeth, all the while trying to shake off the last vestiges of sleep.

With a yawn, Aizawa made his way to the kitchen and prepared a simple but hearty breakfast. He poured himself a cup of strong coffee, knowing that he would need the extra boost to face another day of teaching at U.A High School. 

And of course his patrol at night. 

The sound of a meow brought him out of his thoughts and he found his cat purring at his feet, looking up at him with big, expectant eyes. Aizawa chuckled and bent down to give his furry companion a few gentle scratches behind the ears. "You want some breakfast too, huh?" he mused, knowing that his cat always seemed to want a share of whatever he was eating.

After finishing his meal, Aizawa fixed up a small bowl of cat food for his pet and placed it on the floor. He watched as the cat eagerly dug in, making quick work of the meal before wandering off to wherever it wanted.

With a sigh, Aizawa finished his coffee and then set about getting ready for the day. 

As soon as Aizawa made his way to the teachers' room, he was greeted by the sight of his colleagues already gathered in the room, sipping on their own cups of coffee and chatting about the day ahead.

Present Mic looked up and grinned. "Hey, Shouta! You look as tired as ever. Late night of patrolling, huh?"

Aizawa grunted in response, not in the mood for banter so early in the morning.

He really needed another cup of coffee and that's what he did. 

He heard a chuckle coming out of Hizashi as he took the seat beside him, but he paid him no mind. Instead, Hizashi glanced at Midnight who was engrossed in reading the morning news. "Still not a morning person, I see." He took a sip of his coffee and turned to Aizawa. "Did you catch that villain you were tracking last night?"

Aizawa grunted in response, his mind focused on the tasks at hand.

Midnight looked up from her paper. "Aizawa, dear, there's more to life than work. You should relax a little."

Aizawa remained silent, taking a sip of his coffee and avoiding eye contact.

Present Mic leaned back in his chair. "Come on, Shouta, lighten up! It's not healthy to be so serious all the time."

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