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No one's POV:

Lucifer swaggered into the hotel, still toting Alastor on his back. "Guess who's back? Yours truly! And look, I brought a little souvenir," he chuckled, earning wide-eyed looks from the lobby crew witnessing the King of Hell playing piggyback with the radio demon. "Dad! What happened??" Charlie rushed over, concern written all over her face. "Oh, don't worry. He just decided to catch some nap in the middle of our chatting..." Lucifer reassured, grinning as he nonchalantly dropped Alastor onto the couch.

"Told youuu~," Angel chimed in, nudging a seemingly oblivious Husk, who was deep in his drink-induced musings.

A few hours later:

Alastor groggily awoke, found himself on his bed, and made his way to the lobby. Lucifer was deep in conversation with Charlie, Vaggie was doing her casual eavesdropping routine, Angel continued his perpetual flirting with a partially amused, partially annoyed Husk, and Nifty? Well, she had found a cozy spot on Alastor's head, recounting her day with boundless enthusiasm, catching the others attention.
As the others welcomed Alastor back, Lucifer couldn't resist a tease. "Well, well, look who decided to join the land of the living. How was the nap, Alastor?" he needled, earning a playful eye-roll. "Refreshing, I assure you. Beats the radio tower any day," Alastor retorted with a smirk, acknowledging the surprised looks around him.

Charlie, still concerned, approached, "Are you sure you're okay? You had us worried."
"Do not fear, dear princess! Your radio demon is as lively as ever," Alastor reassured, patting her head, evoking a mix of relief and joy

Angel, always up for mischief, added, "Looks like our stoic deer knows how to have a good time. Maybe he just needed a royal piggyback ride to loosen up!"
Lucifer, feigning offense, shot back, "Watch it, Angel. Next time, you might be the one on my back." Husk, finally lifting his gaze from his drink, deadpanned, "Knowing you two, that'd be a sight."

Amidst the banter, Nifty continued her animated chatter, proudly recounting her stain-removing adventures. Vaggie, observing with a raised eyebrow, sighed, "Welcome back, I guess." Alastor, catching Lucifer's amused gaze, felt an unusual camaraderie, "Well, thank you, darling! Good to see you're all doing well."

With a mischievous smile, Alastor glanced at Lucifer, who returned the look. "Well, I think I'm going now, my friends! See you later~" Alastor disappeared into his shadow, leaving Lucifer glaring at the spot where he once stood. "I'm heading out too... Have a nice day, apple pie!" Lucifer waved as he left the hotel, leaving behind a bemused group of demons in his wake.

As Lucifer stepped out, he noticed Alastor reappear, leaning against the entrance nonchalantly. "Well, well, if it isn't the charming deer demon. Leaving so soon?" Lucifer teased, a glint of mischief in his eyes. Alastor responded with a smirk, "A demon needs his solitude, 'your majesty'. I can't have the entire underworld buzzing in my radio tower." Lucifer chuckled, "Fair enough. Maybe I'll join you next time, make it a party! Full of rubber ducks!"
Alastor raised an eyebrow, genuinely surprised at the suggestion. "You? In my radio tower with that things? That's quite ridicu- ...interesting. Something I can't quite imagine." Lucifer adopted an exaggerated, mock-innocent expression. "Oh, imagine the duets we could perform. King of Hell and the Radio Demon - a musical sensation!" Alastor couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity. "I'm not sure Hell is ready for that level of chaos. But I must admit, it sounds...amusing."

They strolled together, the atmosphere surprisingly light. Lucifer, breaking into a devilish grin, said, "You know, Alastor, I never thought I'd see the day where we'd have a civil conversation, let alone contemplate a duet."

Alastor chuckled, "You know, I really don't feel like you're...annoying as always. You're making our talk quite pleasant (unusual) ."

Lucifer feigned shock, placing a hand over his heart. "What are you talking about? I am already very pleasant." Alastor grinned, "Well, let's just say there's always room for improvement." As they bantered, the two found themselves in an unexpected camaraderie, sharing laughs and jokes. Charlie and Vaggie, witnessing this unprecedented interaction, could hardly believe their eyes.

Charlie, watching from the entrance, whispered to Vaggie, "OMG, VAGGIE, DO YOU SEE IT???" Vaggie smirked "Calm down, hon, you're going to die from excitement!" Charlie looked at her, and you could almost see sparkles surrounding the blonde girl. "But they're finally getting along!!! I told you it was going to work!" Charlie hugged her girlfriend, almost jumping out of excitement.

The banter continued between Lucifer and Alastor, each surprising the other with their wit and humor. 'He isn't so bad after all,' they both thought, walking in different directions and going to their respective rooms.

Author's notes:

Hiii, I don't know what to think about this chapter... I like it? Maybe, could've did something better than that honestly... 😢

Hope the 2 souls who likes this fanfiction enjoyed it/j

Not so bad After All (Discontinued) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora