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Opening an Incognito tab, you maneuver your mouse to the search bar and type in a certain URL. 'Twitcher.tv/Y/U' immediately filled in after typing the first few letters, the tab quickly loading. Once done, it showed the screen with 'Be Right Back' in the middle, with a small animation on the side. The chat to the right was a different story, the large amount of viewers reflected on the speed of the chat. Closing the tab, you appear on the screen after taking off the 'be right back' screen. "Alright Chat, got my snack and drink!" You hold both up, putting them down to present a small block of cheese. " I even remembered to get y'all a goodie before we continue." Your screen shifts to the Crunchyroll page on the second season of the episode. Currently, you and Chat are on episode 29, only started by the looks of the progress bar. "And remember, if you use the code 'BabyGurl' you can get a month-free subscription trial on Crunchyroll!" You add as you click on the episode.

The episode loads, showing the scene where Gojo tested his Limitless with Geto and Shoko. Sipping your drink, you turn over to the chat. Noticing a certain message, you had to pause the episode to say it aloud. " 'I wish I could live with Gojo-Daddy'? Chat what the f-" Your stream abruptly flickered and turned off, interrupting you. "The shit..." Clicking the spacebar multiple times in hopes your computer would wake up, you didn't detect the person behind you. It wasn't until you passed out that you saw the entity as your head hit the headrest of your chair.


Waking up to see an angel staring at you isn't exactly the most calming thing after passing out randomly. The said angel perks up when it sees you opening your eyes. Despite your muffled senses from just waking up, you could swear you heard them talking. Whether it was to you or themselves, you couldn't answer. You could tell how delirious you were when you blinked and the angel turned into a boy.

Wait, that did happen.

You sit up and try to crawl away, your fight-or-flight kicking in. Not only were you not at home (you had to notice that now..), but there's also this random thing looking at you with a weird smile. The angel's smile lessens at your movements. "Hey, hey! Don't be scared. I'm just a messenger; I can't even hurt a fly!" He puts his hands up to calm you down, not making any move to get closer. It seemed like your mouth was shut in fear, so you two simply stared at each other for a few minutes (in reality, only a few seconds). The angel coughed into their hand, continuing to speak after a moment. "So, you are one of the few people whose most recent wish has been accepted. Congratulations!" They walk over to you, grabbing your hands to pull you up. You stumble at the sudden movement but gather your standing quickly. Trying to think of what they meant, it clicked in your mind what you had said before you arrived here. 'I wish I could live with Gojo-daddy'. You take your hands out of theirs and rub your eyes. "Look, as much as Gojo is kinda cute, that wasn't my wish. I'm a streamer, so I read a message my chat sent me." You just had to get into the worst (and most delusional) outcome because of your chat. The angel looks at you with surprise, clearly not knowing the truth you have dropped. "Oh, uh, well... I can't really undo it. Sorry." This wasn't going very well. Now you have to work for something you don't even want? You were just fine, chilling at home with your cat and streaming every once in a while.

"That's not all..."

Fuck me.

The angel fumbled with their hands, stuttering a bit. In a moment, they finally spoke up. "Since your chat did this... I could, uh, make them join you and keep you safe in the world? Oh, oh! I can also help you once in a while as an apology." The stuttering in their sentence would go away as they continued talking, but it didn't change the fact they were obviously nervous. "So, how is this gonna work? Am I going to get dropped in the middle of nowhere? When will you even do it..?" The angel perks up, "Oh, right! I'm going to drop you in right now!"

"Wait wha-"


Hope this will be the last time I re-write this since I don't think I have it in me to change the plot again ;-;. But, I hope you'll like this chapter I wrote. 

Fun Fact: This angel is used to grateful and nice people, so your attitude did startle them.

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