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"Hello? Helloo..?" Waking up, you keep your eyes closed as a familiar voice calls to you. "(name)... Wake up." Opening your eyes, you meet the gaze of your friend, their hazel irises boring into your (e/c) eyes. Blinking, they get replaced by another person you wish you didn't know. The angel smiles when they see your eyes open, taking your hand, hoisting you up, and clapping their hands. 

"You're awake, great!" They pause, "Or, I should say you're more lucid dreaming. But, I brought you here for a reason." You look around, finding both of you at what you would guess was a mall food court with a crowd of people around the court. The angel sits down at a table and gestures to the one opposite of them for you to sit down.

Reluctant at first, you eventually sit down. Glancing down, you find a croissant clipping through the plate like a game. You Make a mental note not to eat it. "So, I talked to the higher-ups and they discussed what abilities you would be granted. And, I have been given the honor to tell you one!" 

They use their fingers to drum on the table, and the guests surrounding you follow the rhythm as well. The angel stops as well as the crowd. 

Moving their hands to the air, the angel speaks up. "MindNet! Or whatever you want to call it. Basically, you are given the ability to have a browser at the tip of your fingers." They motion their hands in the air, acting like a mime touching a wall. "The ability will allow you to do various things, like be able to catch up on Jujutsu Kaisen since, at least in your current position, the internet will not show the series since you're in the series." 

You frown at their last words. You hadn't considered that you couldn't watch the show... You snap out of your train of thought when the angel snaps their fingers. "Now, I need to show you how to use it, then I'll let you go." The angel stood up, walked over to you, and took your hand in theirs.

"The process is simpler to show than tell, so let me just show you. You take your hand, put one pointer finger up, and slide down." They talk as they do the movements with your hand, not taking into consideration the fact they are very close to you. You hadn't even noticed you were holding your breath until the angel pulled back, who finished demonstrating it. "Now, I need you to do it before I let you go, so you didn't just learn nothing." You flex your hand, putting your index finger up. 

Mimicking the movement from before, a small window popped up. A chain of circles following another would rotate to create a bigger circle as they continue to move, never-ending. The text above it read 'loading...' as the circle would continue to rotate. It would rotate a final time before the screen went black, before showing a browser.

 The wallpaper had your favorite character(s) with bookmarks at the top below the search bar, the one that stood out was a bookmark to Crunchyroll titled 'Jujutsu Kaisen' and a Twitch bookmark named your username. "Before you go, I should tell you one last thing." The angel walked through the browser, it glitching slightly as they passed through it. 

"If you die, I won't be helping you. So just understand that dying will hurt." They smile, patting your shoulder.


You feel yourself wake up to warm orange lights. Looking around, you see orange lanterns scattered on the ground, and talismans on the wall covering every inch possible. Glancing down, you almost scream seeing ropes around your body, tying you to the wooden chair you were sitting on. "Hello, curse user." Your eyes dart up to see a man in a simple black zipper jacket with black pants. 

Oh, this guy. Thinking back to the anime, you could easily identify this man as the principal of the Jujutsu school, if you remember correctly he would be just a teacher at this point. "Would you like to explain why you have such a powerful curse, and why you were where my student's mission was?" His stern expression falters at your miserable expression. 

"I don't know dude. Wanna answer my question of why I'm tied up? You didn't even use nice ropes..." You squirm around in the chair, stopping as he snaps his fingers. "Let's stay on topic. You were found by my two students at their mission location with a Special-Grade Curse that you claim to know." He stood tall before you, looking down at you with a serious stare. "Cause I do know them? Chat's my friend after all. But Special-Grade? I don't know about that. Might've flipped the scale."

He huffs, clearly becoming more impatient. "Your curse, Chat, is Special-Grade. My two students know when they see one, and both testified to it being one. Now you either tell me what your intentions were for being there, or I leave you here to decide whether you get executed immediately or get it suspended." 

The intensity in his voice made you feel powerless. You don't even know what will happen when you die. For all you know, you could be dead dead if you do get your head chopped off. Taking a deep breath to calm your thoughts, you look at him.

"Fuck you." 

That's not what you wanted to say. 

That's not what you wanted to say.

He raises an eyebrow at the declaration, turning around promptly after. "If you truly feel that way, I'll leave you here until you change your mind. That or your execution, whichever comes crawling first." You curse to yourself as you hear the door slam, leaving only the lanterns and talismans to be your only company.


for anyone who does not know, the man was Masamichi Yaga. 

Fun Fact: Yaga would end up explaining to his students your situation, having to quiet the laughing from a certain snow-haired kid.  

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