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cassie never did find draco. instead, she was forced to attend potions class, a subject she had always enjoyed. however, the constant tension and harsh discipline from Professor Snape made her feel anxious. she was tired of seeing the same students being belittled and scolded repeatedly.

as cassie walked towards the dungeons for another potions lesson, her mind was consumed with thoughts of how things might change with the arrival of Professor Lily Potter. she wondered if the presence of the renowned witch would bring a different energy to the class.

as cassiopeia walked through the halls, her mind was still consumed with thoughts of professor lily potter. she couldn't shake the feeling of nostalgia that enveloped her, a bittersweet reminder of happier times in her past.

before cassiopeia's family fell apart, she used to be really close with james, lily, and remus. she remembered how lily would always help little seven-year-old cassie bake cookies, their laughter filling the kitchen with warmth and joy.

recalling those cherished memories brought a wistful smile to cassiopeia's face as she continued down the familiar hallways of hogwarts. the echoes of their laughter and shared moments played like a film reel in her mind, transporting her back to a time when everything seemed simple and full of promise.

cassiopeia longed for the days when james, lily, and remus were like family to her.

cassiopeia wanted to see her family, she really did but, she was just scared. cassiopeia knew the horrid things her mother would tell her weren't completely true. but as time passed and her mother grew worse towards her she couldn't help but grow a hatred towards her father for not saving her, for not trying harder to reach out. the only way he tried to get her to visit was asking andromeda to ask her for four years.

cassiopeia was scared. scared of what would happen to her if her mother found out she missed her dad. she wondered if her mother would kill her like she had always threatened. the reason cassie never told anyone of the abuse because she's terrified of her mother.

the weight of fear and secrecy bore down on cassiopeia's shoulders like a heavy cloak, suffocating her with its oppressive grip. every moment in her mother's presence was fraught with tension and dread, a constant battle to navigate the minefield of her mother's volatile emotions.

the bruises and scars hidden beneath cassiopeia's clothing told a silent tale of the abuse she endured in silence, the pain etched into her skin a testament to the horrors she faced behind closed doors. the isolation and fear that held her captive bound her voice in a web of silence, trapping her in a prison of her own making.

cassiopeia knew she was being unfair but she wanted someone to blame because deep down she knows that this is all her fault. her parents had fought and divorced because of her. her mother became this way because of her. maybe that's why cassiopeia still loves her mother despite what she has done to her. cassiopeia caused her mother to be filled with resentment and cassiopeia has no one else to blame for the abuse she has endured but herself.

the echoes of arguments and tears that reverberated through the walls of her childhood home were a haunting reminder of the role she played in the unraveling of her family's once-happy existence. 

despite the abuse she endured at her mother's hands, there was a part of cassiopeia that clung to a twisted sense of loyalty and love for the woman who had brought her into this world. the wounds inflicted upon her were seen through a lens of twisted understanding, a belief that she deserved the pain because of the havoc she had wreaked upon her family.

cassiopeia tries to make herself feel better by protecting andromeda. oh poor sweet andromeda. andromeda has never seen her mother when she's in a bad mood. she has never witnessed her mother throwing glasses. she got to experience her childhood. cassiopeia will not be selfish and have andromeda face their mother with her.

the cool breeze brushed against her face, carrying with it a sense of longing and restlessness. the same question echoed in her mind once again - "what if i were to run away?"

for as long as she could remember, cassiopeia had felt trapped in her own home. the walls seemed to close in on her, suffocating her with the weight of her mother's expectations and demands. 

the memory of her sister's laughter and carefree spirit tugging at cassiopeia's heart. andromeda had found solace and happiness at sirius' house, away from their mother's wrath and the tension that filled their home. cassiopeia couldn't help but wonder - what if she could experience that same sense of joy and peace?

the thought of running away had always been a distant fantasy, a whisper in the back of her mind. but as the days passed and the weight of her burdens grew heavier, cassiopeia felt the pull of that longing growing stronger. the idea of being selfish for once, of putting her own happiness above all else, was both terrifying and exhilarating.

as cassie walked into the dungeon classroom, she could feel the excitement vibrating in the air. the students were buzzing with anticipation, eager to see how professor lily potter would fit in with their already strict potions master, severus snape.

professor potter entered the room with a warm smile, her emerald eyes sparkling as she greeted the students. cassie couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the woman.

as the lesson began, professor potter's teaching style was a stark contrast to snape's abrasive manner. she was patient and encouraging, guiding the students through the intricacies of potion making with a gentle hand.

in potions class, the fourth-year gryffindors were hard at work on a beauty potion. cassiopeia found herself seated next to a blonde gryffindor whose name she didn't know, quietly focused on her task. she avoided sitting near lucas potter, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to herself.

as she carefully measured out the ingredients for the potion, professor lily potter approached her, her warm smile lighting up the room. "hello dear. everything going well?" lily asked kindly, her eyes filled with concern.

cassiopeia felt a knot form in her stomach at the sight of lily. her mother's influence loomed over her, casting a shadow of fear and paranoia in her heart. the thought that slytherin students could be reporting her every move to her mother sent a shiver down her spine.

without meeting lily's gaze, cassiopeia responded in a tone sharper than intended, "i'm making out fine, professor." her words came out harsher than she had intended, with a hint of defensiveness and mistrust lacing her tone.

lily's expression faltered for a moment, surprise flickering in her eyes before she composed herself. a flicker of understanding passed through her gaze, as if she sensed the underlying tension in cassiopeia's words.

"very well, dear. let me know if you need any help," lily said gently, not pressing the matter further. with a nod of acknowledgment, she moved on to check on other students, leaving cassiopeia to grapple with the conflicting emotions swirling inside her.

cassiopeia couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at her conscience. she didn't want to offend lily, a kind and caring teacher who had only shown her warmth and support. but the fear of her mother's reach and the constant paranoia that plagued her made it difficult to let her guard down, even in the safety of hogwarts.

as she continued working on her potion, cassiopeia's mind raced with thoughts and doubts, the weight of her secret burdening her more heavily than ever before. she knew that she would have to navigate the delicate balance between trust and caution, all while concealing the truth that threatened to tear her world apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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