Chapter 14. Reach

Start from the beginning

"You're not so innocent in this, either." San eyes her warily, trying to gauge her mood, but she is nearly unreadable. "You've been horrible to me. You don't treat me well, and you're so fucking obsessed with Wooyoung that it's the only thing we talk about anymore."

"How am I supposed to act when my own boyfriend is getting married to another man?"

San rolls his eyes. "Oh, bullshit! You've known about this agreement for months! This isn't new! I told you that if you weren't okay with it, that I'd back out of it. But you saw– what? The possible money outcome? The chance of an empire if I'd divorce him and make profit split half-way? Is that what you wanted? You wanted me to sacrifice everything just because you wanted to be rich and fucking famous?"

"You don't fucking know me, Choi San! I'm not a gold digger!"

"You're something, alright." San huffs, leaning against the countertop with his palms.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Sun-hee approaches, a cold look smeared across her expression. San leans backwards slightly, his breath stuck in his throat. Even if he was intimidated by the memories flashing past his eyes, the anger in his heart burned.

"That I can't fucking stand you." San pushes back, returning the cold gaze. "You're not who I met over a year ago. You've fucking changed into someone who's obsessive and greedy, and you only want things done your way or it's against your rules. Not to mention, I can't remember the last time that you've said that you love me, let alone saying anything nice to me."

"You're a liar." Sun-hee frowns, tears bridging in her eyes. "I hate you."

"You're manipulative and a piece of shit." San quips back, eyes narrowing. "I hate you, too. Get the fuck out."

Everything is a blur. Sun-hee grabs her purse and her shoes, storming out of the apartment without another word.

That was it. It was over. Sun-hee was gone.

He should feel elated, relieved; anything but what he is feeling. Regret seeps into his pores, followed by a wave of guilt and an absurd amount of grief. A relationship, one that he protected and swore himself to for over a year had just vanished from his fingers so easily. He had spent so long defending her personality and her position in his life, but at what cost?

He hadn't been completely honest with Wooyoung. She was verbally abusive consistently, not to mention manipulative and overwhelmingly obsessive every moment that she breathed. He knew she was all of those things, and he wasn't blind to it. But what could he have done? He was stuck, forced into a position where he cared so much about Wooyoung that he never wanted anything to happen to him. So he stayed complacent, allowing the neglect and emotional abuse to continue over weeks on end, struggling to comprehend how the person he had once loved with his entire being melted into a fraction of the person she used to be.

The ache of familiarity bleeds from his open wounds, latching onto the fleeing grip of everything he had known and found comfort in, gone with a blink. He was alone again, abandoned over jealousy and toxicity, sending him back to the core memory of him once sat in the corner of his room, hugging his legs, telling himself that it would all be okay.

His face finds his hands as he leans into the counter, stuck in a whirlwind of emotions that he can hardly bear to begin to grasp. His heart was a jumbled mess, aching and freed all in one notion, grappling with the feeling of finally being able to breathe without Sun-hee staring down his neck at his every move. He could be with the one person he wanted, the one person that had oddly begun to feel like a sanctuary away from his pain; the one person he was slowly beginning to fall for. Wooyoung had provided a light in his darkness, a moon in his field of stars, a beam of sunshine in his darkest storm; he had become everything San had been searching for in his misery of loneliness.

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