X Roadtrip

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Dear Mira,

I deeply apologize for the conversation we had yesterday. I am also sorry for having to leave so suddenly. You may go home if you like, I didn’t mean to keep you so long. However, if you wish to stay, I don’t mind. I will return soon.

                            -Sincerely, King Evrin

Mira set the letter down onto a vanity. She stared into the mirror, taking in the surroundings behind her. Honestly, how could she possibly compare this place and her home? Basic necessities were abundant here. She wouldn’t have to constantly worry about sneaking away to serve the jeweler. She had security from any harm the jeweler might send her way. And the way her mother had treated her before she’d begun to bring in money? She certainly did not want to go back.
She turned, walking toward the window within the room. She was so high up, she could still see the carriage the King had left in trodding down a path that she couldn’t quite guess the length of. She basked in the warmth of the setting sun. Despite her effort to ignore it, she was still hung up over the previously mentioned conversation from the day before. The words “I love you” being said to her brought a kind of mysterious but giddy feeling.
Catching herself smiling, she looked away, focusing on what really mattered. Evrin was on his way to face the man who had been threatening him for who knows how long. Focusing on childish thoughts such as impossible love was the last thing she needed to do. She would have chosen to leave but… she actually found herself longing to help Evrin.

The sound of hooves hitting the ground accompanied Evrin as he laid his head back against the wall of the blue carriage.
“Are you alright, your majesty?” Asked a guard who sat next to him.
His eyes wandered to the window, “I’m fine, Vince. You?”
“I’m doing okay myself, sir. Are you ready for this long ride?”
“For the ride? Sure. To leave Ammon in charge? Well, let’s just say, I can’t wait to see how organized everything is when I return.”
Vincent laughed softly, “He is a bit of a neat freak, isn’t he?”
“Indeed he is.”
“So, what about the girl?”
That got Evrin’s attention. “Mira? She’s probably home by now, I hope.”
“You’ve got to have a lot of mercy for letting a girl who’s stolen the crown twice go.”
Evrin’s eyes shifted. “Yeah, I guess so. I just hope she appreciates it.”
“There has to be a reason. Is there not?”
The King’s eyes closed as he tilted his head, “I have a question.”
Vincent sat up, “What is it?”
“How long before we arrive?”

Her vision felt almost as if it had melted into permanently seeing the white ceiling. Mira couldn’t stop thinking. And she had things to do but she was exhausted just by the thought of them. A few knocks on the door finally snapped her out of her trance.
“Miss Leslie, I don’t mean to interrupt but, have you made a decision yet?” Asked a servant, standing at the door.
Mira sat up as her face turned warm, embarrassed, “Oh, yes, I have. I want to go home.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I am.” Mira sighed.

“Evrin, wake up,”
The King slowly opened his eyes, yawning. He ran his fingers through his hair as he peeked out the window. Before his eyes was the entrance of a huge gothic palace.
“Merania?” Evrin uttered.
“Yes sir, right here.” Vincent answered, pointing to the spot on the map they were now located in. “Come on, let’s go.”
Evrin rose from his seat and exited the carriage, thanking the drivers. Vincent attempted to follow but Evrin put his hand up.
“No, stay here.”
“I don’t want Tieran thinking I’m worried about him. I’ve got the better medics anyway.” He smirked.
“But sir-”
“Just stay. I’ll be okay. You protected me on the way, I no longer need that.”
Vincet leaned back into his seat. “Okay then. Please be careful.”
“You got it, Boss.” Said Evrin, closing the door.
He walked toward the entrance, still dreary from his nap, and was let in by a pair of guards. From there, he walked with his head held up high through the hall, his cape trailing behind. He looked around as he walked, gawking at the different choice of design for the castle. Instead of blue and sliver, the color scheme was mostly dominated by purple and black.
Evrin soon arrived at Tieran’s office. He hesitated to knock but continued nonetheless.
“You may enter.”
His hair fell into his face as he wrapped his hand around the handle of the door but it was too late to fix before he presented himself to the very man that had been threatening him for months.
“Ah, Evrin. We finally meet.” Tieran said, looking up from the paper work he’d been doing.
“I wish I could say it was nice to meet you but, we’re not on the best terms, are we?”
“Oh but we could be.”
“You know I can’t do this.”
“Please, you’re just selfish. These deaths will weigh on your shoulders until you surrender.”
Before Evrin could respond, the door behind them opened and closed. Standing behind him was a surprisingly well taken care of Arya. Next to her was a large man, glaring right into Evrin’s eyes.
“War has officially begun. I do hope you’re ready.” Tieran said.

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