VIII Strange Occurrences

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Arya Chevalier had had many strange occurrences throughout her lifetime. She’d grown used to the things that come with being a medic. Difficult patients, strange conditions, extended periods of time taking care of one person. It never really bothered her though. With the touch of her hand, even if it took a few tries, the person was cured and was sent on their way. This time must have been the strangest though. Healing a theif? That wasn’t out of the ordinary, the King wasn’t big on killing even the scum of the world. The strangest thing in this case to her, was the fact that he had taken a liking to her. He didn’t throw her in jail. Instead, he took her in? At least as far as she new. Mira Leslie was surely a mystery to her.
Through all her wondering, Arya made her bed, already in her night gown, ready for sleep. As she smoothed the last of the creases in her blanket, she looked up to the mirror off to the side of her bed. She wasn’t entirely sure if it was just her tired eyes but she swore she saw something move behind her. She whipped her head around, only to find nothing. Living alone really was starting to get to her.
She began to get into her bed, rubbing her thumb against the necklace which gave her the powers she’d been blessed with. She sat in her bed, beginning to tie her hair up but just as she had gathered all of it to begin securing it, something hit her in the head. Her vision left her as her body fell limp, hanging off the side of her bed.

Arya woke up, immediately hyperventilating. Her head throbbed so much she thought it might burst open. If only she could use her damn powers on herself. She couldn’t quite figure out where she was. All she knew was that she was sitting and whatever she was sitting in, was moving.
She slowly put her head up, seething in pain from the knot in her neck. The entire place was dark. She couldn’t see a thing. She quieted herself, taking slow, deep breaths now. Holding her arms out in front of herself, she moved them around waiting for her hands to land on something. To her left was a string. She gripped it and pulled down on it. A window slowly opened, sending blinding sunlight into a black carrige with purple embroidery for design on the walls.
Arya looked around. No one was inside the carriage with her. She looked outside, finding nothing but grassy brown fields for miles. She stared at the ground. A path made of dirt quickly passed, her eyes following each inch the wheels passed over.
She began to say under her breath, “What the…? Where am I- Agh!”
The carriage hit a bump, she floated from her seat, then back down. Her splitting headache certainly did not benefit from that. A few seconds passed before the ride came to a halt. Arya cursed at herself. Why did she scream?
Before the door had the chance to open, Arya closed the window she’d opened and slumped back into her seat, hoping to look unconscious still.
She could see the light from behind her closed eyes as the door swung open, she saw the faint shadow of someone hoisting themselves up into the carriage.
Her breathing grew shallow and scared. Her arms trembled slightly at the presence of someone towering over her.
“Get up.” She heard a deep voice bellow.
She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she could carry on the act. Nevertheless, she disappointed herself and opened her eyes, sitting up, but keeping her distance.
“She’s awake!” Yelled the man infront of her.
He sat down as another, smaller man stepped inside. He shut the door behind him as the first guy opened the window for some light.
She began to hyperventilate again. “Who are you- what do you want from me?”
“We want you. We want all of you.” Said the smaller man.
Arya’s eyes darted around, “What ever do you mean by that?”
“You’re a medic, a servant to King Evrin. Are you not?”
“Yes, I am. What do you want us for?”
“That is a conversation for later. Tell us what you know. About your powers.”
“Powers?” Arya laughed nervously. No one outside of the medical system and monarchs were meant to know about them.
The larger man pulled something from his pocket. Dangling from his hand was her necklace, the blue color of the crystal shining in the sunlight peering into the carriage. Arya’s eyes widened as she grabbed at her neck, noticing the missing jewelry for the first time.
“This seems to be a common way to identify you medics in Kular. Tell me, does it have any significance in your line of work?” Continued the small man.
“I… no. No, it doesn’t.” She decided she wouldn’t be the one to out the King who she was so loyal to.
“Really? Because all of you wear it. And the rate of death in your kingdom is so very low.”
“I mean it! I don’t know what powers you’re talking about. Those necklaces are like our badges in a way!” She shouted.
The two men looked at each other. Without saying a word, they exited, leaving Arya in the pitch black once more.
After a very long mystery ride, they arrived at a palace. Arya was taken to a room and left there to take care of herself. She found the bathroom and immediately walked to the corner where a mirror stood. Her hair was destroyed and she was still in her nightgown. Of course, her necklace was still missing from around her neck.
She wasn’t too dirty considering she’d only been thrown into a carriage but there was however a small bump on the side of her head. She’d gotten so used to the pain that she’d blocked it out but it seemed to increase now that she found the damage done.
She found an outfit to wear within the room and was thankful to have some kind of luxury in whatever kind of hostage situation she’d been thrown into. Now, she just needed to figure out where she was and how to get away safely.
She ignored the growls of her stomach as she searched through every drawer in the room, desperate to find some kind of seal or clue as to what kingdom she’d been taken to. Unfortunately, she didn’t have much luck.

“Rise and shine.”
Arya found herself sprawled out on the small bed in her room. She couldn’t quite remember falling asleep. And she was angry at herself for doing so.
“Who are you supposed to be?” She asked, glaring at the woman who had barged into the room.
“I’m Blair. I’ve been instructed to get you ready for your… let’s call it a meeting.”
Arya watched her go over to the drawers she had so desperately searched the night before. She opened one and pulled out a hairbrush.
“Come on. We don’t have all of the time in the world, you know?” Bair said.
Hesitantly, Arya stood up and walked toward the woman. She closed her eyes tight as she brushed through her hair.
“What is this meeting for?” Arya asked, breaking the deafening silence.
“I can’t tell you that.”
She pulled away and took the brush from Blair. “Listen, lady. I don’t even know where I am! I’ve gotten no information! What do you want from me?”
Blair raised an eyebrow. “Listen, all I can say, is that if you answer their questions honestly, they’ll let you go.”
“Who!?” Arya screamed.
“Be quiet for goodness sake. You’ll only make things worse. Now give me my brush back.”
“I can do it myself.”
Blair put her hands up, “Fine. Aston will be here for you soon.”
Arya opened her mouth to ask who that was but knew she wouldn’t get anywhere. Surely enough, a knock sounded at the door not long after Blair’s absence. And in stepped the large guy from the carrige.
“Let’s go.” Said Aston.
She nervously followed behind, walking down a long hallway, a staircase, and more hallways. When the two arrived, Aston opened the door and allowed for Arya to step into a large office. Inside, sitting behind a desk was a dark haired man, writing a letter. He didn’t bother to acknowledge her.
For a moment, Arya stood, stiff, in the middle of room. There was no conversation until he was finished with his letter. She watched him write with ease, drop the pen, and seal the letter into an envelope with a purple stamp. Arya squinted her eyes to get a look at the coat of arms.
“Hello,” He began.
“Hi,” Arya responded.
“I suppose starting with our names would be a good idea?”
“Uh, yes. I am Arya Chevalier, sir.”
“Wonderful. We’re off to a great start,” He said, leaning back into his chair. “My name is Tieran Ashenforge.”
Her eyes quickly widened. Now she knew where she was.
“Welcome to Merania, Ms. Chevalier.” King Tieran said.
So that’s why she was there. The epidemic. King Evrin’s medics. It all made sense now.
“As you may know, there is an epidemic plaguing my people and I think you might just be the solution. Kular’s medics seem to be excellent healers. Tell me, what’s the secret?”
She immediately realized how dire the situation was. If Kular’s medics were to heal these sick people, they would be risking their lives. And she’d be responsible if she let that happen.
“No.” She said.
“If you don’t answer, I’m afraid you’ll never go back. I just need some information to get something out of Evrin.”
“Why would I tell you? I am loyal to one King and he certainly is not you.”
Tieran stood up now, furious. “Tons of my people have died because we can’t find a cure. I know Evrin has some kind of magic. No one dies over there! All I’m asking is that you tell me how it works. I have no other option.”
“If you don’t answer, you will be my only medic for the rest of your weirdly long life.”
“My life isn’t going to last long!”
“Relax, I’m not going to kill you.”
Arya took a breath. “If you expose me to that virus, I will most likely fall victim to it. And there is no healing me because I have made that sacrafice. So fine, make me your only medic, you won’t get anything out of me.”
“And risk your friends’ lives? I’ll repeat the same cycle until I get details out of one of you.”
She glared at him. Tieran walked behind her, appearing back in front of her just as fast.
“Tell me about this.”
She stared at the blue tervist dangling in front of her eyes once more.
“Is that your favorite word? Because it’s pissing me off.”
Tieran’s hand balled into a fist, cradling the crystal inside. “Look’s like I just gained myself a new medic.” He snapped his fingers, “Aston, take her to the dungeon.”
A hand wrapped around her arm, squeezing it tight. Arya looked up at Aston as he dragged her out of the room.
“I can’t heal anyone without my crystal!” She screamed.
Aston paused. Tieran turned around to face her.
“What?” Tieran replied.
“If you don’t give it to me, you’re doing nothing for your population.”
His lips curled into a smile, “Well, Ms. Chevalier, it looks like you’ve told me just about everything I need to know. The rest will be pulled out of Evrin through violence. Prepare for the downfall of Kular.”
Tieran chucked the necklace at her face, instructing Aston to return her to her room. He’d finally found the solution. Could he carry the plan out?

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