I An Epidemic

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A little girl laid in bed, covered by layers of blankets. A fever, cough, and chills accompanied her. It was a sickness worse than anyone she’d ever had. So she laid, sleepy, as her parents comforted her. She certainly wasn’t the only one. It was spreading. Fast.

A folder was placed on the king’s desk as he sat, worried and tired.
“King Tieran, it’s not getting any better. The medics are getting sick, and half of the time, the victims don’t even survive.”
Tieran pulled the folder toward himself and looked through it. It was a track record of the damage the illness had already done. What was he going to do?
He sighed, “People are going to have to keep staying inside, I’m not sure what to say. If our medics aren’t safe, I… I don’t know. I’ll think of something.” He answered as he flipped through papers upon papers.
The man who had delivered the mail nodded, “Thank you for your time, your majesty.”
“Of course,” Tirean replied, picking a paper from a pile on his desk as he watched the man leave. His mind was full of ideas. He just didn’t know which one to choose.

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