I wasn't a kid, I was a grown man.

I entered the building, and the smell of sex and different pheromones assaulted my nose. The blinding pink lights lit the hallway up, and a few arrows were painted on the wall. I walked down the hallway slowly and stumbled upon a man and woman, making out shamelessly, I scrunched up my face as I passed them.

When I was halfway down the hallway, the bass of music could be felt on the floor with every step I took. I did not understand why people, mostly the humans on Oridian, thought that adapting earthly things on a supernatural land was pleasing.

I walked into the large area, and the once pink lights changed to red. Men were scattered all over the room. Few had women grinding on their laps, and some had men.

There was a platform in the centre of the room where a small male was grinding and spinning on a metal rod. My mouth fell open as I watched the half-naked omega. These are the things they do on earth?

I pulled my eyes away from the dancer and searched the room for Ezra I walked through the crowd and a few men sent cat calls my way which I ignored, I bumped into a woman that was dressed in a very revealing outfit and she hissed at me.

I pushed past her and walked further into the room, faintly I could smell Ezra's very earthy scent, when I did find him he was surrounded by male and female, some kissing him and some dancing in front of him.

So this is what he took my money to do. I ran back in the direction from which I came, and as I bent the corner, I bumped into a hard chest. Firm hands that were wrapped in leather gloves gripped me to prevent me from falling. I looked up at the person, and sparks shot through me.

My words from earlier came back to me when I said there was a one in a million chance that I would find my mate, I think this is it.

Standing in front of me was the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in my life. He had long black hair that reached his shoulders and was side parted. His eyes were downturned, and he had a pair of mesmerizing deep brown eyes. His lips were full, and had a slight baby pink tint to it. Nice arched well crafted eyebrows, too. I wonder if he does his own eyebrows.

He roughly removed his hands from off me and stepped back, I took a step forward, and he gave me a pointed look. His eyes glowed a deep blue colour, and a buzzing sound shot through my head.

I clutched my ears as the sound intensified, and my body started to heat up, I pulled at my coat and tugged it slightly off my shoulders.

"What are you doing?" His voice was deep and sounded like music to my ears.



My eyes widened, and I quickly turned to come face to face with Ezra. His eyes were red and low. He was standing very awkwardly, swaying a bit. He was drunk. I looked back at the unknown man who was my newly discovered mate and then back at Ezra.

"So this is where you come now?" he asked.

No, this is where you came to spend my hard earned money.

I however didn't say that, but instead, I gulped when Ezra's face twisted with rage. He looked over at the man that was towering over me, and his nostrils flared. He then marched over to where I was and gripped my wrist tightly.

"Let's go."he gritted and pulled me along with him.

As he pulled me through the hallway, I looked back at my mate, who stood with a wide stance facing the direction we were going, his hands crossed over his chest, and a wicked smirk on his face

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