I gently sat down on the cold dirty ground and looked up at the trees, my brother sat by me and put his arm around me for comfort and warmth. It didn't bring to much comfort but it did give me some warmth since it was cold. I leaned into Lucas before falling asleep to get the thought out of my head that my dad was a killer, I was exhausted since we did walk for hours, but I did get some good sleep in for a while until my brother woke me up because he wanted to get a move on so we could find a place to get better shelter and rest.

My brother helped me up and grabbed my bag off the ground and handed me it. I put the bag on my back as I felt the coldness of it as it was cold night."you ready to go?".

I looked at him and nodded before I followed my brother as we made are way though the forest, it was very cold out this morning but we had to keep going. We weaved through a lot of trees, but we didn't come up on many walkers which was good sign. As we traveled for hours we made it out of the forest to a small town, It had some houses and stores, but my feet were killing me, as I needed a break, but we had to keep going as we looked around for a bit we came across a small house to search for some supplies, but we made sure no walkers were in there first. So I knocked on the door to see if any walkers would come to the sound. I didnt hear anything so I went inside the house as I noticed this place went through some stuff as it had blood on the floors and walls, there were bloody hand prints and stuff scattered around the whole house. It was a huge ruckus. I went to the kitchen and searched for things, I found a couple of drinks and some cans of food, I put my bag on the floor and unzipped it and started to put the items in my bag before I heard some bangs down the hallway, they were loud bangs as it seemed something was in here trapped.

I looked up and gripped my knife before I slowly walked down the hallway as each step I took the floor creaked. I was very cautious as I was tad bit scared, everything felt Quiet around me, But I opened up some doors on the way to see if anything was in there but there was nothing besides emptiness. But as I got to the last door I opened it up slowly as I looked in the room there was a walker. It noticed me fast and grabbed onto me before I could even get a good grip onto my knife, I held it back as I tried to reach for my knife that had fell from my grasp when it grabbed me as it was very difficult as it kept pushing onto me, I was barely holding on before I could even get a grip but I managed to push it back and grab my knife, but before I could stab the walker it was back on me and was trying to claw at me, I kept my hands on the shoulders trying to keep it back as the walker was clamping its teeth and was very determined to get me. I backed up a bit before throwing the walker into a wall and grasping my knife, I hesitated a bit before I stabbed it in the head, the blood splat onto me and my clothes, it smelt bad but at least I was safe. I was very relived to not get bit or even eaten by one. 

I continued my search as my brother kept watch outside, I grabbed all I could before I made my way back outside to Lucas."I got what I could". I threw my brother a bar of granola as he could snack on that since we haven't had much to eat."Thanks lil sis". My brother smiled lightly before opening the packaging up and eating it as we walked down the street, there were a few walkers but we didn't bother of killing them as it wasn't worth the time. We walked for a few before we stopped at a small run down store and decided we could take rest here because my feet were killing me, we also could maybe even get some more supplies. My brother lead the way in as I held my knife just a few inches away from me, as we looked around and cleared the building be I got to sit down after and go to eat some snacks as my stomach wouldn't stop growling, but I didn't eat many snacks as we didn't have much to munch on. I rested for a bit as my brother took watch, I kinda felt bad for my brother as he barely even gets rest as he's always on watch or walking. I got up and went to Lucas.

"Hey Lucas I can take watch". My brother looked at me."I got it lil sis, plus you need the rest". I shook my head slightly before pushing him lightly inside.

"get some rest please". I tilted my head and gave him a soft look of pleading as I wanted him to get good rest, as it has been a long day and night.

He shook his head at me before he went inside and tried to get some rest in.I stood outside and took watch as it was very sunny out but yet so cold out and I didn't even have jacket or a sweatshirt, I have been in these clothes for almost three days now, and It was very cold as my hands were light pink and my fingers were slightly numb, as I was looking around I saw some walkers past by which I just kinda hid as so they wouldn't come over here since I couldn't take out 4 walkers at once they looked very beat up as the guts were hanging out two of them, they passed by shortly which I was relived. I sat on the ground and played with my necklace for a bit before I opened it and looked at my family, I smiled at the sight of it, I missed those times, as now i'm stuck in this madness, maybe one day it will get better but right now its not the best. As I was sitting down I noticed two walkers that were walking over to me as they noticed me sitting down. I got up and grabbed my knife, but I wasn't ready as I haven't taken on two walkers at once but I knew I had to do what I had to. So I made my way towards them before I stabbed one of them in the head and it fell down to the ground limp, I made my way to other walker before stabbing it in the head, I was very surprised I just took out two walkers I was proud of myself. As I was about to turn around I heard a voice.

"Stay where you are". I turned around to see who it was, it was some man I didn't know, he also had a gun pointed at me which was very nerve racking."do you have anything".I glared at this man, As I knew I could lie or not lie and just give him are things, Which I couldn't let him just take are things.

"I don't have much,I only got a knife". I tried my best to lie to the man, The man looked at me weirdly as I'm pretty sure he knew I just had lied to him. The man creeped his way to me before trying to reach for the gun on my belt. I couldn't let him do this, I kicked the man in the groin he groaned in pain it sounded like it hurt.The man looked at me angry before shoving me to the floor hard. I hit the floor leaving thump behind, I hit my head and back, it hurt bad it felt as if my whole body left my body, I was stunned as I couldn't really see much as I was dazed and everything was going black and was starry.

 I couldn't really make out things but I saw a arrow go straight through the mans head and he fell to the floor, I watched as a man walked up, but all I could see was a black figure as I couldn't see much of this man, all I could see was a crossbow.

The walking dead ll Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now