Midwife: Yes, Lady Yamamoto, the Lord is right, just one more push, just one more, and the child will be out.

Belle's breathing got rougher as she let one last scream. The room was quiet. The expected cry of a child was not heard, spreading nothing but worry.

Belle:(rough breathing) Is the baby okay, Jin? Why is the baby not crying?

Jin(worried) Madam Sato, why is the child not crying?

The midwife frowned, then turned the child upside down and smacked its butt, and soon after, a loud cry came through.

Midwife: Congratulations, Lord and Lady Yamamoto, you've given birth to a healthy baby boy.

She said as she gives the child to the mother.

Tears started dropping from Belle's eyes as she looked at her baby boy; he had dark crimson skin, which he had taken after his mother.

Belle: Your name is Arthur, just like my daddy was.

Belle then looked at her husband.

Belle: I know you have a name for him; what is it?

Jin: Akira.

Belle: Arthur Akira Yamamoto, welcome to the world, my little one. Remember, Mama will always love you.

Belle said that as she breastfed her little one.

Timeskip: 3 years

Pov: Belle

It's been 3 years since Arthur was born, and to say they grow fast is an understatement.

Pov: No One's

Belle watched with a proud smile as young Arthur played in the courtyard, his laughter echoing through the air.

Belle: Well, ain't you a bundle of energy, Arthur! Mama's little tornado, that's what you are.

Jin chuckled beside her, nodding in agreement.

Jin: He's got a spirit as fiery as his hair, Belle.

Belle: Takes after his mama, don't ya think?

Jin: No doubt about it.

As Arthur ran towards them, Belle scooped him up, showering him with affection.

Belle: Arthur, my sweet boy, you're growin' up so fast.

Arthur: Mama, look! I found a butterfly!

Belle: Well, ain't that somethin' special? Nature's treasures just for you.

Jin: Our little explorer.

Belle: Jin, have you thought about what he'll inherit from us?

Jin: A legacy of love, resilience, and the spirit to face any storm, just like his mama.

Belle: That's right. No matter what challenges come his way, he'll weather 'em all. Our Arthur's destined for greatness.

Years passed, and Arthur continued to blossom under the warm embrace of his parents' love. The Southern African American drawl of Belle's accent filled the Yamamoto household with a comforting melody.

Belle: Arthur, time to come in, darlin'! Supper's waitin'!

Arthur dashed towards his mother, his vibrant hair reflecting the hues of the setting sun.

Arthur: Coming, Mama! Look what I found today!

He proudly displayed a small wildflower he had picked during his adventures.

Belle: Oh, ain't that a beauty! You've got a keen eye, just like your daddy.

Jin joined them at the table, a sense of contentment in his eyes.

Jin: Our little Arthur is growing into quite the young man.

Belle: True, but I can't help but worry about the world he's gonna face.

Jin: We'll guide him, Belle, just like we've always done.

As the family shared their evening meal, little did they know that the echoes of a distant clash, the clash foretold in the verses of fate, were slowly approaching their tranquil haven. The storm thathad once seemed distant now threatened to engulf their peaceful existence.

Unbeknownst to Arthur, the legacy of his parents would become the compass guiding him through the tumultuous seas ahead. The Southern charm of Belle's words and the resilience instilled by Jin would become the armor he needed to face the trials awaiting him.

The calm before the storm lingered in the air, but within the walls of the Yamamoto home, the love and strength of a family forged a sanctuary, a sanctuary Arthur would carry within him as he ventured into the challenges that lay ahead.

[There you vultures I've given you but a taste of what's to come I'll right more after I do hazbin hotel will see if I can balance both at the same time]

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